
and I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever about the fact that I will probably not see my 60th birthday.

A big part of the issue is simply portion size. There is no reason to eat a burrito the size of a baby's head. This can be said for most chains. Yes, Cheesecake Factory, you too.

The NYT must be desperate for stories. As I said in response to Biddle's piece on this: Chipotle has had extremely helpful and detailed nutrition calculators on its website since the dawn of time. They will help you make lower calorie, lower fat, or lower carb content choices while you hold up the damn line if you're

Could Your Food Have Calories? The Answer May Surprise You....

How on earth are people forming opinions about what is healthy? Vaccines are toxins? Fast food is healthy? WTF??

a fucking dolphin ring?! you buried the lede in that one. you didn't even NEED the rest of the story. just the picture!

My husband died. I moved on eventually. Some British nobleman tried wooing me. I fell for him. We boned in a Liverpool hotel. He asked me to marry him. I said no, and then cut my hair short.

"he had "received revelation" that we were to be married"


Getting to embarrass my kid is like 90% of the reason I had one.

I had just broken up with him maybe a week ago. It was clear after 6+ years that fire was gone, we weren't in love anymore, and we just weren't working out. He had packed his stuff and was crashing with a friend until he could figure out what was going on. We had talked marriage years ago, but had never done anything

you kinda sound like a creep, tbh

it's not. It's major abdominal surgery. Mine fucking sucked and took three weeks to recover from. I couldn't even lift my baby on my own at first.

We dated over a span of seven years with a couple of breakups and makeups in between, but it had been a number of years since we'd dated, let alone hung out. When my big 30th birthday blowout bash rolled around, I invited him along with a few hundred of my other closest friends. His rsvp was a surprise. I hadn't

He proposed to me on a beach on an island.

The scene: Horrible abusive relationship. The inevitable morning after the all too familiar horrific night before. I am packing my bags. Unfortunately not for the first time, and not for the last.

I was proposed to, and I accepted. I called off the wedding. It is not a satisfying story. It is human and painful.

Physically, he does nothing for me.

Thanks for the opinion, but a 19 year old who is meeting her father for the first time after having no proper father figure in her life is not a any kind of grown woman. The father is in the position of power in that relationship, he took advantage, he abused. They were not on an even playing field.

I am usually on board with TW requests, but the title kind of gives you a major idea of where this was going.