
(because you know a Republican house and senate aren't going to be generous for special needs childcare funds).

On paper, Beyoncé is the poster child for Huckabee's "Bubba culture" (that's what he called it on The Daily Show last night) values:

You don't approve of Beyoncé because she seems alien to you... You can't single out a corrosive culture and ignore the one that you live in because you're used to it

Huckabee is way closer to "bubble" than he is "bubba". Dude owns a fucking $3 million house in Florida.

I'm stealing this comment from gilbertkittens when they posted on MA:

It is so galling that this unctuous smarmy hypocritical fucking bog troll was and possibly is a serious contender for the presidency. I would sooner vote for an actual bog troll.

How could you not include this part?

Check this part out:

Much art

former Ann Coulter beau, Dinesh D'Souza

Sometimes I think Megyn Kelly is actually a liberal trolling Fox viewers.

We have a lottttttttttt and there is a lot of emphasis on Spanx, I dunno, I feel like I'm missing something vis-a-vis the Spanx

Cumming all over someone's tits will never be passe!

I love these emails! They are like watching animals at a zoo. How the fuck is every member of the sorority expected to own all these highly specific articles of clothing? What if my only pair of nude wedges is ever-so-slightly scuffed?

No, that's not true at all. It's completely different when it's a family heirloom. She's abso-fucking-lutely obligated to give the ring back and the law generally backs that up.


My ring is made out of organically-grown, free-range lentils and the artisans who made it actually paid me to take it off their hands.

Return the ring, return the presents

The engagement ended. What did you do with the ring?