"Sorry they're only admitting family"
"Sorry they're only admitting family"
#TeamNoOne is growing by leaps and bounds these days.
Well, it's about time. Not that this excuses her, but from how I see it, she's the daughter of a generation of New York City artists who made careers for themselves by being very much unfiltered (and often in a manner that was very candid about the human body and sexuality). It seems like she's trying to take that art…
I cried the other day at a McDonald's commercial. and I mean crumpled on the floor, bawling. I also hate most foods that I used to love and am basically eating for necessity and not pregnancy nom nom noms. I feel like I need an "it gets better" video. It gets better, right??
We are all Kvshton
That was my first thought when I read that, but then I thought about it a little more. It's entirely possible that he couldn't think properly between the exhaustion and the malnutrition. Add to that the heapings of verbal/psychological abuse he was getting from everyone around him, I'm not entirely sure he could…
No kidding. I lost 100 pounds, but it took me close to a year. Of course I still went to work, attended to my family obligations, etc. And as long as I keep working out (in a way that fits my real life) and stay away from or at least limit emotional eating, I should be able to keep it off. I really wouldn't have…
Healthy weight loss is far too slow for a tv show.
No sane doctor/trainer/nutritionist would recommend it. One hour, an hour and a half of hard training is the most a person can do per day. And it's step by step. You rest, you teach your body to move and excercise. But of course this show has a deadline and an audience to impress. So they push these poor people to the…
once told by a trainer not to drink electroylyte-balancing liquids prescribed by the show's doctor because it would "ruin her one last chance to save her life.
I think a lot of this is that people who are close with their family don't understand the concept of not being close with your family. My parents weren't abusive, and I don't actively dislike them or anything, but...I just don't want to be around them. Like, almost ever. I have one or two things in common with my…
My mother was never physically abusive. Verbally and emotionally abusive was her thing. There are so many stories I could tell, but the one that really sticks out (and showcases her ability to bamboozle outsiders into believing her to be a saint) is my go-to story:
Yes, yes, and yes. Cutting family members out of your life is not a decision one takes lightly. I didn't understand it before. Now I do. I will have only limited contact with my siblings. I will not be alone with them. That's just the way it is. Anyone who wants to put the blame on me for that will be shut down…
My kids disowned me because I praised them too much? Is that seriously what she's claiming?
My mother has a lot of mental health issues (bipolar depression and borderline personality disorder) and she doesn't process guilt at all well. So she denies things so aggressively and persistently that you start to wonder if they ever really happened. I am (mostly) estranged from her because she was emotionally…
"They accuse me of being a terrible person, but won't elaborate about exactly what I've done. Well, sometimes they do, but it doesn't make sense, at least to me."
I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.