
The Rubio Gulp was one of the best moments I've ever witnessed on live TV!!!

Ummm if your partner ever passes out you should stop fucking them and get them the medical attention they need (if any)... not just keep going until you're done.

Either way, I'll be avoiding pigs in a blanket and Chex Mix for the foreseeable future.

I know one person that this has happened to and there were a few things involved.

My favorite I didn't know I was pregnant was a skinny Irish lady in a rock band who gained about 5 lbs during the pregnancy that her bandmates attributed to chips and beer. She had always had irregular periods, and spotted occasionally during the pregnancy, so that combined with the lack of weight gain ... she had no

Back when my PCOS was super bad I'd get a period once every 6-8 months, sometimes more. So I can see how you wouldn't think much of it... and if you have a big belly (I've looked 5 months pregnant before) to start with, then yeah, maybe it can happen.

Am I the only one who read that as:

Well fuck me Amadeus.

I've been hitting the books hard too. I refuse to fail Shade Court.

I witnessed shade with my very own eyes just the other day. My coworker got a very visible piercing to which a supervisor reacted to by saying "Well, you don't seem the least self conscious about it!". I immediately called it out as shade. I did not approve, because my coworker is a sweetheart and the piercing looks

Right wingers seem to be obsessed with Bey-Z. Guess they can't stand a black couple worth about a billion dollars combined. It probably ANGERS Mike Huckabee that a black rapper who was a former crack dealer and a black woman who is unapologetic about her sexuality are richer than him. They would rather see black

What slays me about this is that the dog is so obviously upset that he's going to land on his tiny human. Like, they really do love us humans! Sniff. Makes me tear up.

I just... Hm. I guess I would be interested to see the transcript of the conversation he had with himself that concluded with, "Why, yes! Yes, the world DOES want to know my opinions regarding the marriage of Beyoncé and Jay-Z!"

i like that a bunch of women have said they squirt and you are actively saying no because you haven't seen it.

Squirt on a mirror and let it dry. It looks like watery cum not like pee when it dries. It's milky & opaque not clear.

I'm not a scientist (no really, i'm not), but I worked as an editor in porn for years. I've seen three liquids come out of a vagina when it is "squirting".

It is 2015. 2015. Twenty Fifteen. Twennnnntyyyy Fifteeeeeen.

In my own personal study that was conducted twice yesterday afternoon because I was home alone and bored, I can categorically assert that it is definitely not pee.