
This. Yes - he doesn't have to be in the front row of a pro-choice protest. At minimum, don't participate in problematic conversations with other men; but to even start to get on the path to feminism, you need to stand up for women in a crowd of men.

"Feminist" Boyfriend

My husband falls clearly under the "Feminist Who Doesn't Know He's A Feminist Until You Tell Him." He does fully 50% of the child-rearing (when he comes home our daughter becomes his shadow), and also does the majority of cooking/ cleaning/ shopping because I'm so damn sick all the time. If I was physically able to

Hmm. If I can't have Actual Feminist or Feminist Who Doesn't Know He's A Feminist Until You Tell Him, I'd say that Non-Feminist Good Dude is the best of the bunch.

God, I love it when a hot person becomes MORE hot instead of LESS hot when they start talking.

No no no :) She is a teacher. And totally pro-science/medicine/etc. That's what prompted the placenta/lactation discussion, actually.

My wife and I are trying to have a baby. I'll be carrying the little gremlin (we're lesbians YAY) and she is planning on breastfeeding (with me). There are some hippie herbs you can take to make the boob juice happen, apparently. Anyway, she tells me the other night that not only does she think I should eat the

Pretty much everything about Kristen Bell makes me want to hang out with her and drink wine.

You probably just want to save the headline "Antibiotics for [blank] just aren't working like they used to." It's probably going to make things a lot easier.

Antibiotic resistant bacteria is a huge problem worldwide. And more than the over-prescription, using it fatten cattle is the biggest culprit. A century back, even an infected cut could very possibly kill you.


I'm going to pretend this is a sentence for his attempt to make trans-vaginal ultrasound obligatory for women seeking abortions in is ass-backwards state. It's too short.

The irony of Phyllis Schlafly is that her life is actually a great feminist example. She's had a rich and varied career, doing basically what she wanted when she wanted, while still raising a family and building a media empire. It's enough to make you wonder if she's really trolling the right, when she

wait so like

As much as I hate Cosby, she is right. In her world this is how it exists. She is taking a very diplomatic approach to it. I still think he is fucking giant turd but I also did not know him. I just know rapists are fucking disgusting.

Two people? How about "so many people everyone lost count"?

And invite their parents.

Would also not be against arming the audience with tomatoes