
can someone let Gaston know there is a push up contest happening in my bedroom and he is invited? And by bedroom, I mean my bed. Clothing optional.

My favorite kind of missed connections are when I run into guys that were homophobic to me and I see them at the gay club.

"Because men aren't afraid of the real temperature. Women want to pretend that it's 30 degrees when it's actually in the 50s."

You monsters...

I believe it was Tina Fey who said: "Helen Mirren is not proof that there are parts for older women, Helen Mirren is proof that there are parts for Helen Mirren."

If you are trying to pretend that you're still the young buck when you're my age, it just doesn't work.

My first thought rewatching Friends was "What the fuck is Susan's problem?" Susan is an awful jerk from the first moment she appears in the series. She's at Carol's sonogram catching an attitude with Ross the whole time, like he is some sort of bad guy for showing up and wanting to be in the baby's life. Also, she

I will always love Friends, but I have to say, the fat Monica thing has always bothered me.

Does anyone else have that horrible Friends phenomenon of realizing that you're older than they are meant to be and freaking out? They seemed SO GROWN UP when I was a teenager.

1. The internet wasn't as fully developed yet so we had fewer opportunities for thinkpieces as to why Friends was problematic.

The show certainly has been criticized for that, but it was also filmed in the 1990s, and a lot in society has changed since then.

What's with TMZ and ellipses? I can't even read their site because the punctuation is so unnatural.

FYI, I am pretty sure you are not dealing with a real person up there. From another one of their comments:

I am so glad that you had a wonderful wedding, but there are plenty of women who don't want to get married, or don't want a wedding, or find joy in other things. There are also plenty of people who find nothing but pain and suffering in marriage. What works for you doesn't work for everyone, and pitying other women

It's no more wasteful than what most people do: wear it once and keep it in the attic forevermore. Donating it would have been a nice gesture, as it would be for any woman to donate her worn only once wedding dress. But sounds like she needed this release, so more power to her.

Edit: typo

I think it gives a better sense of closure to that chapter of her life by the artistic expression. I think she should be afforded the chance to be selfish in this case: her life has changed. Let her be!

it's not just the blow job, it's the 5 hours of awkward conversation trapped in a car with stranger that you've just blown/are going to blow

A blowjob? Eh, if I'm going Montreal to Toronto I'd rather just take Air Canada and feel like I'd been properly fucked.

Well, actually he's being honest about shoving down your throat.