And hacking and releasing someone's private photos is also illegal. The point is that you can't say that you value privacy when it impacts you, then suddenly not value privacy when you want fap material.
And hacking and releasing someone's private photos is also illegal. The point is that you can't say that you value privacy when it impacts you, then suddenly not value privacy when you want fap material.
So, let me get this straight, Reddit.
My curiosity was insatiable.
A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt and is named 'Amal.' The other goes to a family in Spain, they name him Juan'. Years later; Juan sends a picture of himself to his mum. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wished…
You're a moron.
That contract takes all the open out of an open relationship.
I spent a lot of time jamming to Britney secretly in the shower* over the past decade, so I also hope she gets through all this nonsense. All the ups, all the downs, all the wtfs... I just want there to be a rainbow at the end of this road.
*I spent about 3 minutes trying to decide if that sounded like I was talking…
By the time I was 6, I had two little sisters. We went on our first family vacation that year, and (now that I know what kind of hell it is to share a hotel room with children) my parents weren't exactly relaxing. By the end of the trip, their plan was to load up the car while we were all still asleep (when you're…
These will likely become "fuck pods" as well.
I knew a guy in college who organized anti-rape and pro-body image events with his frat and would often wear a pink shirt that said "THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE." He was cute and funny and I thought, Wow, he must not be like the others.
We need to make "Alexandrew" as shorthand for the extraneous pan-douche happen.
Ugh, this annoys the crap out of me as well. All that the "all women are beautiful" line does is underscore the fact that beauty is considered essential to a woman's worth. No, not all women are beautiful (just like not all men are beautiful), but that shouldn't matter.
I'll be sure to use that phrase when I eulogize you.
How's about we not teach 9-year-olds how to shoot fully automatic weapons? Just a thought...
Probably my face.
Actually, I kind of agree with Prudence here. She's in a monogamous marriage to a man. They are not opening it up, apparently, to include others. Marriage presumably means forever. Unless the topic came up of its own accord, what would be the point of making an announcement?
It may, however, give you helluva collection of ingrown hairs.
This only makes me love pandas more, for being smart enough to trick the humans.
Don't hate the panda. Hate the game.
Pandas are always trying to mooch off the system. Excuse me but bootstraps?