
The fact that something like this is needed is depressing, but thanks, gentlemen, for restoring a bit of my faith in humanity.

SCIENCE! Uncovering pervs in the name of humanity!!

Or you can kick out creepy control freaks and save yourself time and money. Do you think it's okay to leave someone who calls teenage girls skanks in charge at any school?


It literally cannot be liberal Christians who are pro-gay-rights/marriage, pro-choice and Feminists MUST take a stand against church abuse. Godly behavior is about love, not bigotry wrapped in self-righteous prayer and threats of hellfire.

We can't allow bigots to run roughshod over people and bully

Like a houseguest. Marvelous at first and full of possibilities, but if left unsupervised for too long, they can be a real pain.

It's funny how all of this left-wing lovey dovey compassion bullshit goes straight out the window as soon as we start talking about trans people.

Okay, let's get this in before too many jerks show up.

Hey, look, a transphobic troll! I in no way expected to see this exact, poorly thought out comment from some entitled asshole in the grays.

Amid the horror, the absolute horror of all of this, I'm surprised he admitted rape culture is a legitimate thing. That works in the favor of the rapist. Thanks for making it really obvious, you fucking miserable scum bucket.

Raise your hand if you didn't need a study to tell you this.

Only girl, only child here. I have been panicking about this since conscious memory.

I imagine in a lot of families, there's also the effect where if a son does anything at all, he is applauded as being so generous and attentive. But no matter how much the daughter does, she gets nit-picked for not doing enough or not doing it exactly right.

I'm talking to the other women here, really. I'm talking to anyone who is listening. And yes, actually, I do think that potential rapists read Jezebel, because it turns out, we all are potential rapists. Rapists aren't just monsters hiding in bushes with bags of duct tape and knives. Most of them are regular guys with

Having sex with someone who is "too drunk to consent" is rape, dude.

I'd be willing to bet that, despite the legislation pushing abstinence only education, teens these days, now more than ever, have nigh unfettered access to information via the internet, which has led to teens being more educated about sex and pregnancy than ever before.

Everyone's too busy sexting to actually meet up and have sex.

A lot of minimum-wage jobs (fast food worker, cashier, etc) involve spending the majority of time on your feet, also. When I was working as a cashier, the last thing I wanted to do after a shift was go for a walk or to the gym. I hadn't burned a lot of calories, but I had just spent anywhere from 4 to 10 hours on my

Add in the fact that food is one of the few affordable, easy-to-acquire, use-anytime things that people can use to comfort ourselves, and of freaking course we're always stuffing ourselves. We can't drink booze, smoke cigarettes, or use drugs at work, and sex isn't always easy to come by, but chocolate gives you a

"This has been in my left pocket in my pants for 10 years( weiner )."