
"Hump" is the absolute worst word for sex ever.

It's beautiful to see that a documentary like Blackfish has made an actual impact on this terrible issue.

There was a fascinating article (link below) in The Atlantic a few months ago about how sad it is that kids don't get unsupervised playtime anymore, and how it's messing up their ability to learn independence, risk assessment, and decision-making. One of its points was that parents keep a closer eye on their kids

I hope they did it in full riot gear!

I guess the question we should be asking is this 28-year-old mother, should she be left unattended. Doesn't look like she's mature enough to be a parent. She's being supervised today in the county jail. Hopefully she learns her lesson.

He wanted to take you higher.

i'm not normally one to be really moved by things in the news, but this week has really been getting to me, and i'm not even having to deal with mental health stuff. stay strong! and fuck that fucking fucker for trying to call you! he is in the rearview mirror where he belongs.

Things I have experienced as a Disney cast member:

*Hermione hand raising .gif*

My boss sat the entire company down one morning in the boardroom for a very important meeting.

Unpopular opinion alert:

I really wish you could unpost this. I get that people are shitty and say shitty things and it's click-worthy, if not news-worthy, to report on it. However, I just wish that all the shitty responses that people posted self-righteously about suicide being the "cowards" way out didn't garner ANY attention...least of all

The clap is gonorrhea, not HIV. Also, I recommend that you don't throw your penis into women, with or without a condom. That doesn't sound very pleasant.

I think the issue is that the compensation and seniority setback women suffer as a result of taking maternity leaves (both short and long) is out of proportion with whatever would be warranted by an absence from the workforce for that amount of time for any other reason. Yes, if you worked in a fast-paced

You know... Some of us really care about our careers more than family. Now, there's nothing wrong with putting your family first, if that's what you want to do, it's a totally legitimate choice, just as my choice to take my work as the most important thing in my life is a legitimate choice. But that's what it is: a

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

Who the fuck said there are no innocent men? Oh that's right, MRA's and other people who hate feminism.
Getting consent is not complicated, dude, come the fuck on. Just because you can't fuck someone who can barely speak doesn't mean it's complicated. It means you're expected to treat women as human beings and not

NO. Seriously. As someone who has been a regular commenter for years, I never made it out of the greys, and that sucks. That's not the solution.

What would the plucky protagonist of Rebels: City of Indra, your dystopian teen sci-fi novel, say?