
She better hope that kid doesn't have a blowout all over that couture. I even put towels down before my fully clothed kid nursed because she would poop UP HER BACK. The first time it happened, it was so loud and messy that I thought I broke her.

I still occasionally think of this twitter exchange and laugh:

I absolutely can expect the couple who created this child to take responsibility for him. He is their son. We have a term for people who do what they are doing: dead beat parents. Men do it all the time- I'm sure you've heard if MRAs who want to be able to force women to abort or not pay child support. Refusing to

Ugh. This is such a horrible story where everyone loses. Especially that poor baby.

On the last quote- but... They ARE sex offenders. It's accurate. It's not like they drunkenly peed in public. ITS AN ACCURATE THING THAT THEY ARE.

So back in the day I was a bartender at one of those notorious nightclubs that people still give me side-eye when I mention that I worked there. One somewhat slow Tuesday night my new cocktail server, "Chrissy", mentions that her divorce had finalized, and she'd celebrated by partying with Brad* the bouncer. I knew

I think this one counts, even though I ended up being the Other Woman...

In my early twenties, I was with a guy for about 3 years before I found out he was cheating on me—with a girl I knew fairly well. We broke up, I kicked him out..then make up and basically pretend it never happened. What can I say, I was young, trusting, and somehow believed all of his BS lies about how it would never

Husband died very suddenly. (don't mean to a downer here but suicide). Well hell, guess that's contagious, at least where we lived. Almost all friends and neighbors cut me off immediately. Husband was an archaeologist, away for months a time. His bestie was a woman I'd never met, but he always talked about her with

Oh boy..I've been waiting years to tell this!

This is a story about how I didn't catch a cheater until it was way, way too late, and also short parable about checking all your Facebook inboxes on a regular basis.

If you didn't know, Facebook has two inboxes. The normal inbox where mail from your friends go, and a second, "other" inbox where mail from people you

9 years ago, pretty much. I had just had a baby, who was about 5 weeks old. Also had an older baby who was 14 months old, so had my hands full. Partner decided that his work prospects would be better in *the city*, and so arranged to stay with a friend who at that time had a pub in *said city*. Partner moved away,

"How you should know your boyfriend is gay."

Not to pry... But are you sure that you aren't in a lifetime movie and therefore he has two families?

Anybody who knows me knows this story. Burner ahoy!

Say more.

There was never a question of "catching" my ex, really. I could always tell that something was up, he'd deny it for a few weeks and then confess and swear not to do it again. Yeah, I eventually threw him out after going through that for the 4th or 5th time.

This was a boyfriend two boyfriends ago. He texted me one Sunday, when I was having lunch with my mom, saying that it feels like "there is an elephant sitting on [his] chest."

This dude (who cheated on me several years before, so I know to keep it casual) and I started dating. Then he starts acting so fucking weird - going on two week long "work trips", not responding to texts during those trips, disappearing for several days, telling me to keep us on the low (fine by me since my friends

The guy that he'd been sleeping with showed up when we were on a couple's vacation.