
it feels like such a Nice Guy move

A democrat can hold sexist views.

"Excuse me, Bob, you probably sleep with a different woman every night."

The fact that she ran away from him as soon as possible and went to the police to say she'd been raped kinda makes it seem like rape to me...

Not wanting to be having sex in public, and not wanting to be photographed having sex, but having sex in public with people standing around watching and taking pictures, sure sounds non-consensual to me, but way to blame a teenage rape victim for her own rape.

Q: "Do you want this?"
A: "No."

"regrettably public." Yes, if only he had the presence of mind to rape her in private, then he could have finished, and nobody would have believed her, just like all the rest of us who have been raped, so he wouldn't be in trouble. Fuck this fucking guy and his fucking lawyer.

dude, you're not the only one picking up on a tone more bitter than orange juice after toothpaste. It's eye-rollingly exasperating.

Oh please, "In case you didn't know" was bitchy. Own it.

Cheers to you for saying that. Mom of 3 older kids here and I gotta say that nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than another mom trying to pass off a purely anecdotal experience as The Way [Pregnancy/Labor/Breastfeeding/General Parenthood] is For Everyone. I read the first reference to farts and thought I misread

Thanks for your response. I know I could be way off-base since I am not a mother myself. It just seems like all of Tracy's posts are pure motherhood misery. Like there's got to be something good to say, at least sometimes, right? But IDK, maybe this is what some young mothers want to hear. From one person's outside

"The collection appears to be black lacy pinup-style bras and panties that will cost about $39 to $55."

Good lord. Could you make motherhood sound more joyless? Again?

I think the collection is awesome. Lingerie is one way to feel attractive or put together, even if "sexy" isn't specifically the goal. I see no reason to wallow in feelings of frumpiness if you don't want to. It's something you would do for yourself. I know far more women who didn't like not being or feeling put

"She's great, but she'd be a little lower on the totem pole if it weren't for hooking up with him."

Beyonce cut an entire album and made what, a dozen music videos without anyone leaking a single word about it. That included musicians, dancers, directors, producers, back up singers, editors, stylists, assistants, friends, family, etc. They all kept their mouths shut because Beyonce and Jay Z surround themselves with

this kind of attitude is so shortsighted, it's fucking unreal. True story: I get emails from headhunters and recruiters very frequently. I've turned down all offers I received this year, bc I intended to take maternity leave and so didn't want to switch jobs. My company BENEFITTED from my pregnancy, bc ny offering

Right! It's like having a black president eliminated racism... oh wait...

Riiight, because this attitude among older businessmen is soo wildly implausible that it must be made up. Evil, feminists.... always conspiring!