
Dunno, how about keep going on dates and treating people well until you find someone you click with? Like the rest of us.

You should have gone to the bathroom and said "I'll send you something too", then sent him a picture of a bigger dick.

Replace "nurses" with any other field and you've basically got a population study going!

She obviously was looking to file this lawsuit when she applied for the job. This is someone (more likely an organization funding her) looking for a lawsuit to push their agenda.

I think the problem comes from the representatives asking her questions and then refusing to let her answer them.

I know. This is hard. If you listen to her side, she is vindictive and extremely cruel, keeping his son from him. If you listen to her side, he is abusive and manipulative and is basically doing this to hurt her. It is impossible to know who's lying just based on their accounts. I hope the judge can figure this out in

I would be right on board with you EXCEPT that she threw her entire writing staff under the bus when she was on Grey's. It was such an insult to them and their work for her to PUBLICLY say "I refuse to win an award for my performance on the show because the writing was so shitty someone else deserves it." She was an

Not to defend the MRA clusterfuckbrains on the other article, but Jezebel did say (in their original reporting on the article):

Especially when that article claimed: "Why would she want to hurt Oberst? And why would someone lie about being sexually assaulted? What could be gained from that? Nothing, really."

"However, as Jezebel reported, Faircloth had a long history of making contradictory statements online[...]"

Fuck this lady. Seven months?! She let this go on for seven months without saying anything?! Was she just hoping it would go away or something? I hate stuff like this. Way to make it 10 times harder for actual rape victims to come forward and be believed. Especially women who were raped by public figures.

"Good for her" is not where I would go with this.

I do not put Chipotle in the "fast food" category. Nor Moe's. I have weird designations in my mind but I do what I need to do to make it okay! The rules are fluid, man.

Shit. And the view from my high horse was SO NICE.

What? Pretty men have been considered attractive since the beginning of time. Exhibit A: Justin Beiber. Exhibit B: half the teen heart-throbs out there.

"She tried to blame it on a block of feta she had sitting out on her bed."

No, I win. Nope. Nope nope. I win. Okay. Here goes. It's long but (I think) it's worth it.

Oh hell yes I have a bad roommate story.

she didn't get the job and wound up marrying a guy 25 yrs her senior and living as a housewife in Connecticut.