YUP. They totally look like child brides. AND I'm super skeeved/annoyed that anyone would ask (what looks like) an 8 year old little girl to "pledge her purity" to her father. FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE. Talk about letting a kid be a kid.
Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.
Thanks for letting me stew on my comment all day before replying. I've thought a lot about what I said, and I've refined my stance. Tell women to be careful, but it really is rape culture that needs to be addressed.
Yeahhh. I Just clicked through to the question, and there's another one about a 26-yo who just finished law school and had to move back in with their parents, and how their parents are being awful to each other and what s/he could do about it. Her first piece of advice is that someone with a JD should be able to…
He should have to serve 30 days in jail for being a dick.
That is what she said, and she played into the idea that a drunken college sexual assault is a crime of opportunity. It really isn't. When campus rapists are caught, there is rarely only one victim. It's predatory and chronic behavior that has nothing to do with a woman doing tequila shots.
Melissa McCarthy's body is more "apple" shaped than these models. My sense is that these dresses wouldn't work on(or fit) her body type. They are better for "hourglass", "pear" or "cylinder" shapes. All plus size lines do not fit/cater to all plus size body shapes.
It plays into the "boys will be boys" attitude, where we women are responsible for our behavior AND men's behavior because they are entitled to possess our bodies at will and we must be vigilant in preventing them or be blamed for it. Instead of (or at least in addition to) telling women not to drink to excess to…
Oh dude... you are SO fucked...
I don't understand why if you're a certain size, designers think your taste level goes down and you have less money to spend.
Remember this the next time someone in the fashion business spouts a bunch of nonsense about why they won't start a plus-size line. "The shapes are different!"
That's her cousin. Not her. Do you want to be judged based on the actions of your relatives?
Dong, indeed.
Has it occurred to you that she may be showing up wearing less attractive dresses because she doesn't have many options to choose from?
This makes me want a series of POINT-COUNTERPOINT entries for Kitchenette.