
I watched Best Friends Forever and I loved it. And I was really, really, sad and disappointed when it was cancelled. I'll watch anything anything written by or starring Parham or St. Clair (or even better, both!)

Chris O'Dowd should not have a Franco-inspired inferiority complex. Given my druthers, I'd take that strapping Irish gentleman any day over borderline creepy James Franco. I mean c'mon, look at him. The beard, the eyes, the curly hair I just want to run my fingers through, it all works.


It's not just "these days." It has been for a long, long time now but women are only recently becoming empowered to speak out about it.

Just coming down here to say I wish I didn't click on that Facebook link. Gail Lane, you are an asshole. "And if she is 18 she knows she is not suppose to drink. So maybe she regrets the night before and is crying wolf. But that is my opinion. So dont send hate messages." I won't send you hate messages but I will call

What an ass-hat of an attorney.

God, that poor young woman. I just can't. But David Cook, the columnist, is my new favorite person.

You need to stop with the "this didn't happen" stuff. Seriously. Stop doing it.

Scroll up to the first comment.


Whenever I see someone trying to explain away these murders as just the product of a mentally ill mind or as an aberration outside the normal way of thinking, or read a tweet in response to #YesAllWomen attempting to discredit their experiences or complaining about how "not all men are like that," I just want to link

Imagine a campaign to get cars to look twice for motorcycles before changing lanes. What if a car driver got upset by that and said "NOT ALL CARS HIT MOTORCYCLES!!!1!" Like, duh, but it's still an important message, and your reaction makes absolutely no sense.

Lately, I find it hard to get on the Kimye bashing train. It all seems .. unnecessary and over-the-top. Like, I get it, you're not a fan (disclaimer: I don't care about them either but jeez).

Don't worry, in a few years he'll be living in the hills, only coming down into civilization to steal a chicken or two. And the locals will tell stories to their children of the crazy wild old man who will steal them away to HateLand if they don't eat their vegetables.

I'm impressed that your coal mine has internet access!

I was totally with her until we got to here: "She later produced minutes for some of those meetings."

I love how the Goopster has lowered the bar so much that Ms. Jolie even displaying the most basic level of rudimentary self-awareness is applause worthy.

At first I was like WHOA her neck is way too thin and should not be able to hold up her head. Then I realized her hair was hiding some of her neck and it was just an illusion.

Now playing

This scene in Horrible Bosses? *pushes chips to center*