
Tori doesn't sound upset because she ventured into kinky waters for Dean. She sounds upset because he's making it sound like she wasn't a sexually fulfilling partner. Cheaters often like to focus on stupid stuff ("We didn't have sex the night before I left for my job") as an excuse for their behavior - see, Tori made

Look like someone checked...his privilege

What we have here is a case of...

I hope this isn't an out of place comment, but can we somehow please bring Hiddles into this?? Should I find an online photo and make him become a feminist icon too?

Because he's looking you in the eye, not at your chest. Takes a little getting used to.

Can I be a spokesperson for generic Up & Up digital pregnancy tests? It will start with a photo from the act that caused the panic. Followed by a photo of my face when I didn't get my period. Then, a photo of me lost and alone at Target. A photo of me finally finding the tests. Of course, a photo of the "Not Pregnant"

Blake Lively looks stunning. But that dress also seems like a more successful version of Julia Robert's Oscar gown/hairstyle. From Erin Brockovich.

I've been waiting for this post, there have been some awesome looks at Cannes!

I know there's a "happy ending" to all this, but this made me very sad:

You were just extremely flippant to a person whose sibling was having an extremely hard time after an unfair rule ruined his track career. Your comment served no purpose except to say that you're somehow a better person because you did not react that way after shit happened to you. You were self-serving and an

Also really disgusting: the cases that go unsolved because survivors' sex lives are considered admissible by courts and relevant by idiots.

Sexual relationships become disturbed.[18] Many survivors have reported that they were unable to re-establish normal sexual relations and often shied away from sexual contact for some time after the rape. Some report inhibited sexual response and flashbacks to the rape during intercourse. Conversely, some rape


Also, doesn't it just look...itchy?

we could say that about everything

"Now don't get me wrong, before all you health nuts have a crack at me for promoting obesity. I've heard your arguments when I posted my non-traditional before and after photo: I AM a health advocate. I run, I lift weights, I eat healthily but I also have a cookie with my soy latte and knock back the odd burger or

You get out of here with your calm rationale and logical reasoning.

Boob jobs and tummy tucks are hardly objectively healthy lifestyle choices.

Argh!!! Thank you! I have been googling like crazy since yesterday trying to figure out where I saw the young guy! Harry Potter! Used to snog Jennie! That's why I was conflicted when I looked at him and thought he was cute.

I prefer the "this is hard" message too. Because it IS hard. Very, very, very hard.