
There's a reason for this: student loans are relatively high-risk relative to other types of loans but cannot be adjusted based on risk.

Having one black person doesn't balance the whites!

I wish there was someone writing for Jezebel who actually had a basic understanding of photography and the process of retouching because no, they just balanced the whites.

Disappointed that Blackfish got snubbed. Lupita better fucking win this time.

I really wish that my immediate reaction to this post was not to 1. tell everyone as a PSA to check travel advisories for any foreign country you visit, 2. add on that you should never go anywhere without a buddy and then 3. feel as though I might be victim-blaming if I posted said PSA. I hate that, as a woman, I

Don't forget the Scientology part!

Can someone check on Burt? And take the smelling salts.

Another inner city agency story.

I honestly don't mind if he thinks abortion is "wrong." Ditto with politicians. What I have a problem with is making it illegal. There's a big difference there.

Honestly. Comments like those are the reason why many single people are so annoyed by couples. Simply being in a relationship makes one an expert now?

I know it's probably not a popular opinion, but I'd rather someone in a successful relationship tell me about relationships. Is Jones actually in a long-term relationship with anyone right now or is she still feeling out Colin Jost?

I was thinking, "I may have the imagination of a cabbage, but I CAN proofread. And I take comfort in that."

You know, suckers like immigrants who work 70 hours in their bodega so their kids can go to college. What a bunch of maroons!

Psh TV scheduling is for olds. I watch all my shows at the funky cool new time of whenever the heck I want.

Nathan, take it away:

Winston's accuser alleges that he raped her in December 2012 (Winston's attorney maintains that the two had consensual sex). The accuser called the police roughly two hours after her assault; when they arrived, they took a rape kit and interviewed her.

My entire family is obese. And, I'm not saying obese to be mean; I'm a doctor and they medically fit the criteria for obesity. I see the way that people look at them when we all board a plane together. Quite honestly the only thing that holds me back from slapping those judgmental assholes in the face is that I

...and this is the leading GOP candidate for 2016?

Stunning is the perfect word for the article, Lindy.