
I think this ties in nicely to the "scandal" around Mindy on the cover of Elle. For some reason lots of people jump to the assumption that the big bad fashion empire is trying the sheild our eyes from women like Melissa McCarthy and Mindy, when, it's just as likely that these grown-ass, powerful, amazing women (and


"People ask me if I believe in global warming. I just answer, Do you believe in gravity?" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

I would rather just not eat cheese than eat low-fat cheese. And I eat more cheese than a cartoon mouse.

Maybe I'm just tired and this caffeine I had is making me emotional (usually coffee makes me horny, if anything), but I'm about to lose it over this case, and the state of women's rights in general in Texas. I was born in Texas. I grew up in Texas. I left Texas last year for various reasons, and am thinking I may just

Yeah, they're sort of mangling the quote and taking it out of context to suit the post's headline and argument. (I can't believe I'm going to defend Scorsese, whose films I generally dislike.) Before everyone jumps on me, I agree with the content of the post re: the need to recognize women who direct, and the need for

Come. On. That headline is really, really misleading: Scorcese isn't calling these guys out as his favorite directors, he's specifically giving them kudos for being able to get their films financed—vision intact—within today's system. So yes, "Maybe he knew what he was doing by listing directors who get their work

Additionally, Ursula is disappoint:

Imma let you finish Callie but Nigella should be played by Rachel Weisz

Hi y'all! Just your friendly neighborhood reminder not to promote commenters deeply concerned with the statistically insignificant "problem" of false rape accusations. It's bullshit, and moreover it's derailing.

Ah hah. I appreciated her letter because there was no attempt at damage control, but she was acknowledging that she heard the complaints. If she said nothing people would think she was just trying to quietly tip toe away.

Actually, I'm okay with these people not apologizing. The more they're allowed to hang their own nooses, the better. Fake apologies just prolong the hanging.

Well, in that case, you sound like an expert on the subject.

What. the fuck. Martin Freeman. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

I've been a fan of his for sometime and completely missed the fact that he's an actual piece of shit. Amazing what they can do with make-up & spec FX these days.

You're right, these jokes only exist in a vacuum of fictitious characters.

I really can't wait for this dumb trend of worshipping Beyonce to die down. It was barely funny to begin with, now its just boring and old.

I personally loved Jessica Williams calling out the "unique" spelling of Megyn Kelly's first name. Williams is an absolute treasure.

"I know you think you're being transgressive and edgy and bad-in-the-cool-way when you are careless with the trauma of strangers, but you're not. You are being conservative. You are a conservative comedian."