
Please realize that was real time video with no cuts. The firefighting team was right on top of it, within seconds of the helo setting down. And the crewchief was dealing with some civilian passengers. If he had only Jarheads on board they would have known to not hang around to take pics of an aircraft on fire and to

If I wanted FaceBook, I would sign up at facebook. I liked circles, but then Google decided they MUST make it into another FB clone and lost me. Just how many look alike social clones do we need?

Newton just lost the biggest game of his entire life. Partly because of two very critical fumbles by him personally that resulted in Denver touchdowns. Without those two free touchdowns he gave Denver, Carolina fought them to a draw. He is not feeling upbeat, but beat down right now. He doesn’t feel like giving

Today the passengers call it the cruise from hell. In a week or so they will be calling it the adventure of a lifetime.

It is exactly the same hardware. A MAC is just a PC that runs a different operating system. Nothing outlandishly special about that. The Mac OS does some things better - and some things worse than Windows or Linux. And they ALL work just fine on the same hardware.

Cam enginered the ONLY drive that resulted in an offensive touchdown in that game. And he also made the two fumbles that gave the Broncos their two defensive touchdowns ( I don’t consider recovering a fumble on the 4 yard line an offensive drive, but a Defensive play leading to a easy touchdown) It was a defensive

It used to be a standing joke that it wouldn’t work right unless you made a blood sacrifice while building it.

Not if he managed to bend any pins that would be carrying power. I have had to straighten processor pins before, and if you are lucky none break during the process.

Take all the badging off then ask the man on the street what brand it is (see the Chevy Malabu commercial) They won’t be able to tell because Every car in that class looks exactly like every other car in that class. This is not just a Chrysler thing. Every car maker is doing it. There is no difference in the design

Some of these stories make me realize how simple byuing my house was. I had gone online and put up a set of criteria for what I was looking for. Whenever a local house meeting most of those criteria came up for sale, I got an email. At the same time, I got with a represenative from my Credit union and set up the

I saw the third brake light in an article in Either Popular Science or Popular Mechanix way back around 1959. The article predicted it would be a standard feature on cars in a few years, Their version included a yellow light that came on when you lifted your foot off the accelerator, then red when you press the brake

I nailed one a few years ago. Idiot was having computer problems and When I stopped by his desk, he gave me a quick but completely useless description and said he had to go to a meeting and left. He had signed out like he is supposed to leaving me with no password to get in. Looking around his ofice I noticed a lot of

My own favorite tricks to keep meetings to a bare minimum was to remove all of the chairs from the room, no doughnuts, and no coffee urn. Then they have to stand, with no free doughnuts and have to bring their own coffee. When I impliented this my required weekly meeting went from 1.5 hours to under ten minutes, and

This is exactly the same thing said by Dale Carnegie in his “How to Win Friends and Influence People” book written in 1936.

One of them took down a factory where I worked. Damn squirrels. But the fire ants were worse. The maintenance man refused to go into the fenced off power entrance cage that was installed to keep the cyber squirrels out to even evaluate the damage for several hours after spraying them. And having been attacked by fire

ESPN sucks. They have a virtual monopoly on sports broadcasting and use it like a bludgeon to force the various sports groups, cable companies and TV networks to dance to their tune. Then screw over the fans by forcing many local games to cable only - meaning in places where people can’t get cable they cannot watch

Just look at the rack of ribbons and medals the typical general of today has and compare that to Dwight Eisenhower or some of the other WWII generals. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe during WWII had a total of 10 ribons he wore. (3 rows plus one) Several were from his service during WWI.

You are compairing the business owner with employees. A farmer owns the farm, a farmhand is employed by a farmer to work on the farm. I live in a rural area where there are many small farms. Not all are what TV leads people to believe a farm really is. Many of the local farms are no more than 100 or so acres. Some

Like almost any discussion on this, the article makes a lot of assumptions. One that I consider glaring is their definition of working class as low paying and low income. While in reality a lot of working class are paid much more than the lower or even mid levels of ‘white collar’ office workers. A master plumber or

I ran a security company for several years. Not one of the burgularies I followed up on had a lock picked. Some had left a door unlocked, others an unsecured window. Most the door was just kicked in or a window broken. I did have an employee who picked locks. He was licensed and bonded and often sent to open doors