
Even if it does fly low enough to look n your windows all you can do is call the cops, and there is absolutely nothing they can do if they cannot identify the drone owner. Looks to me like the drone peeping toms have the law on their side.

I am a member of a Credit Union. They have quite a few branches and ATMs. scattered across 2 states. All of the on line amenities of a big bank. Longer hours (They don’t close for lunch and are open till 6pm on Friday), loans including mortgages & car loans, Insurance. IRAs, CDs, various savings plans, Their own

While I am not a Kim Dotcom fan and do believe he was likely encouraging piracy on his site. I Strongly oppose the tactics used by the US DOJ to take him dowm. The commando raid on his home with full press coverage was insane. Then just taking all of his servers, with no recourse for those who had legal stuff stored

Not every elevator is programmed exactly the same. Each company has their own way of doing things. So what works on an Otis may not work on a Dover. And the programming evolves over time so what worked on one elevator may not work on a newer (or older ) model. My guess is that most have a minimum preset wait before

I had an ancient 1945 Willys Jeep. The original CJ2a and not the MB military version. The shifter knob broke ( I think it was made of Bakelite plastic) and for several months I used a Drill Brace for a shifter. The offset of the brace fit around the steering wheel perfectly. And an advantage was when shifting from 2nd

You left out the biggest - Not having a budget. I see people like this all the time. They have no clue where the money goes and just spend it as fast as they get it on whatever bills are due (or overdue) right now and anything left from this weeks pay is spent on indulgences. Many of these are not poor people, but

One of several reasons I will not use FB. Did you really believe Mark got filthy rich by giving away a FREE site? You are the product being sold. FB will sell your personal info to anyone who is willing to pay for it, From scammers and spammers to the Chinese Government. And not just yours, but any info from anyone

My cat has been trained to not get on kitchen counters, computer desk or living room shelves where ‘stuff’ is displayed. She has several special spots where she goes for attention. Before she gets fed she dances by standing on ger back feet and turning around. I used both treats for doing things I wanted her to do and

You just put me and millions of other prople out of work. There is NO, absolutely no public transportation in the rural area I live in. And therefore without cars, no way to travel the 25 miles to the nearest place where there is work of any kind. 6 miles to the nearest shopping. And 40 miles to the nearest public

I used to work with Optical comparators ( kind of like a projection microscope used for measuring small parts) I had a 10x lens assembly with a spider inside that I used to freak out people. If you can imagine, a half inch spider blown up and projected over a foot across.

I live in a small southern town but near enough to a larger city that we get transplants from yankeeland here a lot. One recient home buyer (who paid about 30% over the going rate because they didn’t know any better) just discovered there is no trash collection. I had to remind them that they are paying a far lower

The advertising companies still refuse to accept responsibility for a business model that encourages malware distributors. I might consider removing my ad blocker when they show me they are serious about actually doing something about the problem they caused. I refuse to believe they are doing anything useful until I

For all of those people that believed it when MS said that Win 10 was free - this is how you are paying for it. Advertising and stealing your personal information for advertising (and other) purposes. Unfortunately, the ad companies are far too agressive in their zeal to shove their crap in your face, and far too

My mother had, and maybe still has a Minox. It is a really neat little camera. It pulls open to take pics, then pushes closed to make it about one third smaller. It actually took good pictures.

The US medical syystem is one of the worst. It is driven by profit and controlled by the insurance companies. Doctors are human, some are good, some are bad, and most just want to drive their $70,000 car to their $900,000 home after a long tough day of telling every patient to lose weight, get more excercize and take

My own heart doctor refuses to trust anything on the inernet. When I tried to ask about a study I had read about he cut me off with a lecture on how every site on the internet was nothing but snake oil and con men - He emphasized ALL sites. The site I was talking about was the Mayo Clinic. I have since learned to

Like all Beth games FO4 was made for consoles. Then as an afterthought ported to PC. In their zeal to make the experience exactly the same on PC XBox and PS they purposely ignore the versatility of the PC. They forget we have at least 102 buttons (that we like to customize) plus a mouse with at least 3 more buttons.

It looks just like every other euro styled station wagon. Why do they want evey car to look just like every other car? I miss the box back end of the REAL suv. The lowered rear cuts way down on the original intent of the SUV, a cargo carrier that could double as a people carrier. By lowering the rear, it does make it

Then there is the coffe you find on a USMC flight line at 3 AM when you have been out working all night in subzero weather trying to get an aircraft ready for a pre dawn launch. You don’t pour a cup, you cut a slice. Guaranteed to keep you awake.

We had one of those stores in town. It traced its history back to when the town was founded in the 1800s. It even had one of the first telephones in town as a direct link to a nearby automobile factory. That link grew into a telephone company that is still in existance. They had anything and everything and the