
And for holiday trafic, you can add a few extra hours to that drive. There will be at least one wreck and probably more than one that backs up traffic for 20 miles, mostly with people slowing down to see what happened instead of moving along like they should.

Great hack.

With the insane number of people on the internet looking at posts that the OP though were just possibly a little silly there are bound to be a very small minority that are offended by something that 99.9% of the viewers thinks of as meh. Those .1% then attract the SWJ (or some other fringe) that are offended at

A lawyer once told me that a verbal agreement is not worth the paper it’s not written on.

I was a project manger for a company doing airport security work on a government project. First, the company was sold, the new owner said we had too many project managers and they had to get rid of half of them ( 4 down to 2) And the layoff would be by seniority. My immeadiate boss ( regional manager and a holdover

A friend recomended raisins soaked in Gin as a possible help for arthritus. I now keep a jar of gin soaked raisins on my bar and take a teaspoon daily. The raisins are plumped up by the gin and tast slightly spicy. I really don’t know if there is any scientific basis, but I haven’t had the neck pain from arthritis

First do a cost benefit analysis.

Agred, this should not be a problem. But to lay all of the blame on the game maker is not the answer either. I see many PC players whining about not getting huge numbers for fps. The game was designed around the consoles that are fps capped. I’m not sure about this one, but previous games were typically capped at

While I do believe some of Carson’s twits were tongue in cheek. Some seem to be closely held beliefs. Pyramids he believes to be granaries built by Joseph several thousnd years after they have been dated by the experts (They used very old tools?) that wouldn’t hold very much grain? At least he acknowleges they were

Maybe they could use this to offset the loss of taxes from ~~people~~ corporations that move their money offshore to avoid paying taxes?

The only people that actually believe that a fax is somehow more secure than email are total idiots who have no clue how either fax or email work. An idiot lawyer once told me that it is more secure because you can sign a fax and somehow that makes it a legal thing. He insisted that he had to fax me a document to be

My favorite way of saying no to a new busywork project was to ask which currently ongoing important project was I supposed to drop to work on the new one. By making it a drop the other project instead of just putting it on a back burner it quickly established the real priority of the new project. If you really want to

Good article, Unfortunately the people who need this the most are not going to read it because to them guns, and anything about guns are evil and if they learn anything about guns then some of that evil will rub off on them. I believe gun safety should be taught in school. NOT how to shoot. That is something for

The Dorm I lived in at Clemson University, Johnstone Hall, (AKA Tin Cans) was built this way in 1954. It is not a new technique, just rarely used as it is more costly to build this way. Using one or several cranes is cheaper then a having the many jacks needed to raise each level as it is finished. Also, there is a

A good alarm company will see to it you have their yard sign and window decals prominately displayed. Then call the cops if a break in does occur. The purpose of an alarm is not to catch the thief, but to hopefully discourage them from breaking in. The equipment installed and quality of service of an alarm company

These are not intended for poor people but for millennials who have the money, but choose to live in the central city for the lifestyle. They pay more for less because it is fashonable, not because they can’t afford a bigger place. They actually displace the poor who need less expensive housing closer to where they

Based on the damage to your vehicle, the deer may have run off, but likely died later of internal injuries. Looking forward to seeing the results of your new front end.

Nope, And I don’t use my not so smart phone to play games either. I use my dumb phone for phone calls. And my Smart phone for a paper weight (it seems to spend most of its time plugged in on my desk). I have a computer that is far better than any pocket toy to play games.

Lets face it smart phone battery life sucks - I am lucky to get through a normal day without having to stop and recharge. On my old dumb phone I could go 3 to 4 days. I use my dumb phone more than my smartphone just becase of this. The dumb phone does 2 things better than my so called smart phone - it has a much

I think that may the reason for the price hike. Sure some people will just bite the bullet and keep paying. But others will either cancel or move to a more profitable for Verizon plan - looks like a win-win for Verizon and a lose-lose for you. Unles you can find a better plan elsewhere.