
Non swappable batteries is just another way to make the phone cheaper. And less useful. The batteries don’t last a full day without the phone crapping out. Having a second battery would be a game changer for people that are not always near a way to charge even with the quick charging capability. This is not just a

I have completely given up on comercial radio. I can create a channel on Pandora and listen to what I want to hear instead of what the big corporate  suits think I want to listen to so they can make more money off of me.

Typical big city ignorance about nature - these were harmless bugs like crickets. NOT zika carrying mosquitoes or brown recluse spiders or Lyme disease carrying ticks. They were just common bugs like country people deal with on a daily basis. Then many people just don’t understand that pulling the emergency cord does

That brings back some memories. My first car - way back in 1964 was a 1945 Willys CJ. The original CJ partly built with Milatary parts and partly with the civilian parts. It taught me mechanics. I had to rebuild the transmission in it. At the time I had never even seen the inside of a transmission before. It took me

Prison labor is nothing new. Most people automatically think of the chain gangs when it is brought up. But the reality is many prisons have some kind of labor program for the prisoners. These are not slave labor work, but ligitimate useful work. Prisoners will eagerly take these very low paying jobs just to ease the

Hey FB! Blocking ads is NOT about privacy but security. There are ads that will inject malicious software just by being open on your desktop. Now just by using FB I am leaving the door wide open for some malicious ad hijacker to infect my computer. Reason number 101 for not using FB.

My power company will install a peak limiter to help with this. When the peaks hit, it will turn off my AC for 30 seconds. This works because there are thousands of people using these on their network. By shutting off a certain percentage of devices for a limited time. Then turning those back on and another group off.

The airline rewards stopped being rewards for actual ait travlers some time ago. When the airlines discovered they could make money instead by changing the program to nothing more than another credit card program. I used to be loyal to a specific airline when a frequent flyer was actually treated like a valued

Please consult a lawyer before giving bogus legal advice on subject you seem to not know much about.

My sister was a Girl Scout leader for a while. And she did teach basic survival to her girls. As kids my father taught all of us basic survival and some more advanced stuff as well. One suggestion, look behind you every once in a while so you will know what the trail looks like going back.

Actually it’s fairly common for aplicants to exagerate their education. For instance a person will claim an MBA when they just took a few MBA level courses and never completed it. And the aplicant may have a degree from some podunk college, and claim he attended some more prestigious and much more expensive school.

You don’t ask that question of the HR hiring guy, you save it for your interview with the person you will actually be working under. In most mid to large companies the HR hiring manager is just a filter, and often has only a short written job description that may be out of date to go on. However, in a smaller company

There is something seriously wrong with the idiots that write that kind of stuff. To even think stuff like that would be even marginally acceptable shows a sickness and mental problem that definately needs addressing by a psychiatrist while the perpetuator is locked away from society and wearing a jacket that buckles

If they have a Federal Government contract they may be required to test. And the Fed overides state law on this. If you insist on using pot as a recreational drug, you will still have to put up with the consequences of that decision. Just as any other lifestyle decision you make. Then, how do you feel about someone

My close encounter with a bear was while hiking the Applachain trail. I was well ahead of my group and walked around a blind corner to meet a bear head on at about 5 feet distance. I don’t know who was more suprised. We both stopped, looked at each other and both backed up. Then both ran the other way. Smart bear. The

I did ask. Like most agents the realtor was doing everything he could to keep us apart. But I was driving past one day and he was in the yard. We had a long talk. He showed me a few things about the house and among other things I asked why he was selling. He admitted his wife said she was moving across the country to

Medical bills. When you sign up for your standard health insurance a 20% co pay sounds reasonable. But then the hospitals jack up the prices of everything to stratospheric prices. An asprin that costs $1 for a small bottle of 40 will cost $40 EACH in a hospital. If you break that down, 20% of $40 is ‘Only’ $8 per

It helps if you work on a Marine Corps flight line where there are a lot of CO2 extinguishers around - so many that 4 or 5 won’t make much diference. And refilling them was a simple matter of placing the empties in a specific place where they would be replaced by filled extinguishers, no questions asked, within 24

I have first hand experience with the CO2 fire extinguisher cooling. It works very fast. Our standard use was 4 cases of loose cans in a fiberglas case. Using 2 or 3 standard sized extinguishers. We emptied the extinguishers and had 96 cold beers in less than 2 minutes.

I have done security and automation as well. My own experience is the poor people pay on time and in full while the wealthy are bad at making special demands, then trying to wiggle out of paying or not wanting to pay the full amount until you sic a lawyer on them. I have had to resort to removing an expensive system