
Why limit yourself to just one? Each has a free option that is probably big enough for most casual home users. Use each for the things it is best at, and for those super important files store them on all 3. If you need more storage pick the one you like best and pay for the amount you need. My primary is Drop Box,

For colored zip ties, Amazon or Monoprice have about any color you want, and at a very reasonable price compared to what you would pay at a local retail place. And for those worried about cutting themselves, Get a zip tie gun ti install them, it cuts flush and with no sharp edges.

I once picked up a Crafsman screwdriver that I found while stopped at a red light. It had been bent and had burn marks like it had been shorted actoss somthing electrical. The guy at the Sears store replaced it with no questions.

Of course you get the same group of people saying, “Of course its dangerous, but I can do it safely because I am special.” No you are not special. You are a dangerous driver who could easily get someone killed. Watch the Mythbusters segment on cell phones - they were NOT texting, just driving while talking on a cell.

When you book through a third party you may - or may not get a cheaper price - You WILL get worse service. Especially if there is a problem. I once accidentally booked using a third party when I thought I was calling the hotel directly because of deceptive advertising. I reserved a non smoking room because of

I have been putting my pin or other number I need to remember on a business card as a phone number for years. Just like many people I use my own business cards to write down other people’s phone numbers. There may be several writen on the back of a card. One is a code that tells me a PIN that I rarely use. The thermo

This all goes back to the silly kindergarten dichotiomous mentality of the bureaucrats running TSA. (is it a knife? Yes/no if yes then confiscate.) I carry a small Swiss Army knife (The Rambler model). It is NOT a weapon by any real definition. It is a very handy and versatile TOOL, it has a 1.3 inch blade that is

Of course I now expect the content providers to whine about how they are supported by ads and if you want to see their content then you should not block the ads that pay for their content. Guess what - YOU, the content providers that are ad supported are at fault for not holding the ad companies to a higher standard.

I have 3 children. I offered them each the same deal $1000 cash up front to elope. One actually took me up on it. And used the cash for a decent but inexpensive honeymoon. The most expensive was just $3500 as the church members all pitched in with help. One was a retired florist and did the flowers, another made the

I lived in Anaheim during the 1950s and it was there then. So the building itself is not new. It has been a LA landmark for a long time. I am happy to see it was not torn down in the name of progress like so many other landmark buildings.

I took an idea to a patent lawyer once. He convinced me to not bother as the return would not warrant the cost and time to develop and sell it. He did have me send a notorized copy of the concept to him by registered mail. Every page was to be dated and signed by me and my partner and the notary. He placed the date

The US education system is geared to making every kid believe they absolutely must go to college to get a good job. When the opposite is often the reality. Try to find a entry level office job that pays more than an entry level welder. And the welder has a much less stresful job, gets paid for overtime, gets decent

I have never counted the cup holders in my GFs SUV, but typically every one of at least a dozen has a partially empty drink cup in it from the teen grandkids she hauls around. I think each back door has a double cup holder. They rarely remove their cups even when told to, and refuse to help clean her car, (“It’s not

Why would you be taking a drink along when street racing to begin with? The cup holders are not for wannabe race drivers, but for normal drivers like commuters and soccer moms. Being old enough to remember the plastic hang on the door cup holders (I had one dump a full cup of hot coffee into my lap when an idiot ran a

Based on previous experience with Google, eventually they will merge the two apps, taking the worst features of each, removing some of the more useful features of either and adding in more unneeded and (by me at least useless) social stuff and advertising to make it harder to use for it’s original purpose (getting

Waze is completely useless in rural South Carolina. There are just not enough users to make it viable. It’s a catch 22. Not enough users means not people will use it to make it useful. It can help on the interstate highways and there is some use in the larger cities. But again, the locals aren’t using it so the info

My GF refuses to drive wearing high heels. She keeps a pair of slip on sneakers in her car to quickly change. We were late for a wedding and she jumped out of the car and started running to the church wearing her scroungy driving shoes with her formal bridesmaid dress. I had to run back to the car for her high heels.

Trump has a reputation for leaving investors holding the bag when his companies go bankrupt. Note that he always seems to manage to bail before the bankruptcy making him look good whle throwing anyone who was dumb enough to invest based on his overhyped claims under the bus. And you idiots want to make this slimeball

So, Now if I don’t pre order, basically buying a pig in a poke ( paying for somthing that was promised but not really shown to be what was promised) I can’t get the game when it was promised? I think I will wait. Actually, I think I will pass on that one.

Please realize that was real time video with no cuts. The firefighting team was right on top of it, within seconds of the helo setting down. And the crewchief was dealing with some civilian passengers. If he had only Jarheads on board they would have known to not hang around to take pics of an aircraft on fire and to