
Once upon a time you could do that. I used to travel all over on a ticket that allowed me to check at the counter and tell them I would not be continuing that day, but wanted to continue on to my final destination on the same flight the next day - no problem. Then I would stay an extra day at my destination - no

SC, south of Charlotte. I am seeing more salting now than in the past. But still nowhere near what I saw in the north. If there is more than one or two snows in a season, they will run out quickly. In the county I live in, the snowplows are just re-purposed road graders and a few dump trucks with an add on plow. I

The $5 in a jar is for short term emergencies. Like a broken hot water heater that will cost $1200 to fix, and your insurance will only pay $800 on. Meaning you need $400 right NOW . It's nice for when you order pizza and find the delivery guy can't break a $100 bill for a $21 order - meaning you either have some

I actually started doing this several years ago. I would like to be able to report how much I saved. But I have a GF who's concept of an emergency is needing a coffee at Starbucks or a burger at McDs. Even though she takes home nearly as much as I do, she is broke ALL of the time. Mainly because of her junk food

Talk to the person before starting the negotiation. Smile and ask them a few unrelated questions about themselves or almost anything - make them your friend before you start and they often will start with a better price to begin with when you actually get down to negotiation. Then ask for something extra to be thrown

First, we need a real self driving car that actually works.

There are a lot more variables than they are showing - such as lifestyle, public transportation (In my area, there is no public transportation at all, so owning a car is a must) Pets, schools, proximity to shopping and entertainment, neighborhood, and other quality of life variables. Then, cost of utilities. I have a

I an very much against piracy. However the content providers are the ones driving it. Even if people are willing to pay a reasonable price but still cannot get what they want for any price they will pirate it.

It's news that Americans have no clue as to African geography? When most Americans actually have no clue as to US geography.

Yup, and with just a bit more effort a hacker could break into Fort Knox. Contrary to what the "It will be broken in 6 weeks" poster seems to think - It will be far more secure that what he has now. No, not perfect, but better. Perfect security is a fantasy. We have to live with what really exists not what we wish

If you are worried about being caught with burglar tools (lockpick & torsion wrench) just leave them out - you can usually improvise with stuff like a paper clip & bobby pin or other small non burglar devices that will not get a cop excited. The bobby pin. bent properly, will suffice as a makeshift torsion wrench, and

We already have an Air Force and Navy fighter capability that is second to none. The entire purpose and mission of the Marine Air wing is not being an Air Superiority type Air Force, but supporting the Marine on the ground. Marines don't need a third air force with even more supersonic fast movers. The Marines need

I have had this go both ways - one I told my boss I was quitting to go back to college to finish a degree - he talked me into staying for one more semester with a 20% raise. I still eventually quit because that was the only way I was going to complete my degree. Another one, I was just considering it, had nothing

Probably just as many as make a right on red when there is a sign that says NO right on red.

Peanut butter as shaving cream? WHY!! Long before there was such a thing as shaving cream people used plain old soap - and ( because I don't keep peanut butter in the bathroom where I shave) you don't have to run to the kitchen to find expensive peanut butter as the inexpensive soap is (usually) laying right there on

Another tip from the military - have your dress shirts tailored (or buy tailored shirts to begin with) - Military shirts are notorious for poor fit and many members get them tailored - the difference in appearance can be amazing. For an example, look at a training sergeant beside his recruits - it's very probable that

This was in a complex were they rarely come down on rent. The former tenant had just moved out and left a large stain on the carpet in the center of the bedroom. I got $100 a month and $400 knocked off of the regular security deposit knocked off by taking it like that. My bed covered the stain and it was never seen,

Often the realtor doesn't want the buyer talking to the seller without them being present. The realtor is trained that they should control the transaction from start to finish. I just happened to be driving by the house I was interested in and saw the owner in the yard. On impulse I stopped and talked to him. I

As someone who flew a lot during the 'golden age' of air travel. I avoid flying as much as I can today. In the late 60s flying was actually relaxing, you had knee room, you got a decent meal, You got free drinks (depending on the flight) you got peanuts ( almonds if on Piedmont) the agents, stews and other airline

Actually there are fewer dangers for kids today than at any time in history. It's just that if something sensational happens to a kid half way around the world you will hear about it immediately, and your local oriented brain puts that incident next door. 30 or 40 years ago you would have never heard of something