
Unfortunately people are not rational creatures they are rationalizing creatures ( I forget who said that) meaning they fixate on rare and unusual things that may happen while neglecting those much more common things that can happen - So you get rationalizing like. "But if I allow little Johnny to walk a block to

If you are buckshoting by sending resumes to a lot of HR departments you are doing it wrong. HR doesn't actually hire, they are just for cutting down the sheer numbers of applicants to a manageable level. Typically around 3 to 5. And every HR poag has their own criteria for what they pass on. If you take the time to

I was moving and needed a washer & dryer for the new place - Lowes had a matching pair - bottom of the line standard Whirlpool with no bells or whistles. The washer had a noticeable small scratch on the front - I asked for 20% off - and they gave me BOTH washer & dryer at that discount plus free delivery that day.

My Credit Union recommends using the credit option at gas stations instead of debit.

I have been traveling for work and for pleasure for over 40 years. During that time I have watched as the way people dress for travel changed. In the late 60s, I was wearing a class A uniform, and most businessmen wore a suit & tie. Just as they did for work. Vacationers wore a button up shirt & no tie. As an

I don't think some of you get it - Sometimes the power actually fails in your home. That means the outlets you normally plug into are useless. This might give your phone just enough charge to make one short call to 911 if there is an emergency. There are many other ways to get a small charge - For instance, I have

I have a friend from Chile. He emigrated to the US in his early 30s barely speaking any English at all. He spent 5 years working on his accent - and now you would never guess he was not a native speaker. He did it by recording his own voice and playing it back - And listening to the TV news talking heads and comparing

READ the question - really read it don't just skim it, then read it again. Then read the answers. DO NOT pick the first answer that seems right. Before answering read the question again. to be sure you answer is the proper one. If there is any doubt - read both question and answers again. If you still don't know,

As a field service engineer ( title varied by company) I spent 40 years going into companies, building and places I had never been before. Nine out of ten times no one questioned me. I looked like I belonged. If there was a security desk, instead of avoiding it, I walked up to it and introduced myself handing a

Mine came with magnets. Very versatile I have used it to hold several small cameras and even a flashlight that had a threaded fixture.

This is usually a small talk thing and they really just want a simple short answer that could possibly lead to another question. In short a leading question. Most people answer with something like a job title or who they work for. My typical answer is "I fix stuff." That quickly filters out the mindless vague small

She was a classy cat. A rescue, the only survivor from a herd of cats that lived under an old country store that burned down. She ran out of the fire and right up to my brother who picked up the singed kitten and brought her home. She lived 18 years - a long life for a cat.

I have used the squirt bottle for many years. I had a cat that not only learned, but taught her kittens not to get on kitchen counters. I gave 2 of the kittens to a friend that told me later that those were the best behaved cats he had ever owned. Years later, with no further action, they still stay off kitchen

There must be consistency - If Mom says no, they ask dad, if dad says no, they ask grandma, - grandma NEVER says no. They don't bother to ask grandpa cause he always asks them, "What did you mom say?"

If you are arguing over the DM's ruling, then you have a weak DM. The very first thing a DM should do is establish the DM IS the authority, and that book is just some interesting reading. When the argument is whether the book is right or the DM is right ..

Using a password manager is a single point of attack for all of you passwords, meaning if the hackers hack lastpass they have not just your google password, but your banking and health records automatically. So this is a good idea? On the other hand, having to memorize hundreds if not thousands of random strings is a

I had a card file of canned NPCs, monsters, treasures, magic stuff, small locations and other stuff that I could drop in almost anywhere - very handy when forced into ad libing. I still have the box of 3x5 index cards I used for this. If I had to do it over again, I would use a computer - probably a spreadsheet that I

We played every other week. Giving me plenty of time to work on changes needed based on the previous game play. We limited it to a max of 6 hours, and usually only went 5. I tended to concentrate on lower level characters and new players, I had a partner that would pick up as DM after a couple of months and run the

Absolutely not. They never failed to find some contingency that I had not prepared for - forcing me to ad lib and make it up as I went. Until I could get them back on track.

Having been a dungeon master, I spent at least 5 or more hours of preparing - writing and developing my world for every hour of game play. No, I did not use the canned modules as my world was started before they became readily available for D&D.