
The intent of having an alarm system is to deter the burglar. Just having a dog also works to deter a burglar. The typical burglar is not exactly Mensa quality material. A yard sign with no actual alarm system works nearly as well as having an actual alarm in most cases ( No, not exactly the same), The typical burglar

I avoid release day and especially pre release prices. Let the fanbois find the bugs and get them ironed out first - plus I make mods, I won't buy a game unless it is moddable. And often the SDK does not come out right away - so, wait a while.

Actually yes there are studies - I once owned a security company and we were bombarded with the usual industry magazines and advertising. And a dog rated very high as a deterrent. Sales was trained to discount the value of a dog when trying to sell. Look at the big alarm companies - their base system - typically $99

Former owner of a security company here. The typical police response time in my area - which was partly rural was under 5 minutes in town, and under 8 in the county. A little longer if they were really off the beaten track. Your story sound like dispatch screwed up.

I am a former owner of a security company - $1700 is not pocket change for a typical burglar. The reason they are burgling in the first place is they are broke and need money. They are not technically inclined at all. These geniuses typically break into houses in their own neighborhoods - where the residents are just

NOT a good idea. DSS as it is called here is the one government branch you do NOT want to be involved with in any way. Calling in DSS could get YOU branded a child molester just by being in the same apartment with the parents. All she or the BF OR the DSS worker have to do is make one allegation that you did something

Asking for a ticket number and a name is not rude as long as it is done politely. Many customer services use pseudonyms anyway because of the jerks that call.

I have that Gallant - with different legs ( there are several choices) a rounded end piece on the long side, and a short extension on the left. The I added a homebrew keyboard drawer and cable management with outlets and a power switch underneath. I am in the process of building a computer in a drawer to hang under it

Too much voltage - More than 20% too much. Your phone is probably toast. If you can borrow a battery from a friend you could test it - using that known good battery. Or take it into a phone shop and have them test it. But The probability is it will still not work.

You need to work on that analogy. It has nothing to do with the rest of your argument. - And I have issue with your 90% statistic - I saw somewhere that 86.3% of these kind of statistics are made up on the spot (I actually made this one up myself.) If you want to use statistics in an argument - you need to be able

Absolutely worth it. Yes they do spend a portion of your membership money on politics. But I imagine AAA does too. However unlike many organizations they really do tell you what they spend it on. Then you get discounts on hundreds of things - Car rentals, hotels, cruses, cell phones, restaurants, health insurance,

Rule of thumb for estimating - calculate the actual costs as carefully as you can - double that and add 20% - this is the real cost.

All very good advice - add actually understanding cash flow to that list. If you really don't understand cash flow - not just accounting - you will be constantly blindsided by finances. It doesn't matter how much money you have coming in next week if you need to pay a bill this week and don't have the cash because you

DE doesn't work on flying bugs. Instead use apple cider vinegar diluted with water in jars to trap the fruit flies and gnats. I use 4 parts water to one part vinegar and a drop of dish-washing liquid to cause them to sink instead of staying on the surface. The DE works great on crawling bugs & fleas though.

How about doing something to discourage these kind of things - When they demand you take a survey, Just leave that site and put it on the don't bother to go there list. Eventually they will realize their poll is running off real customers and stop doing that. Or die off.

I once took a new job that required all management level people above a certain level to drive a late model American made 4 door automobile. Luckily, I already had a car that qualified. Clothing, Commuting expense & distance, parking fees, dues, other 'fees' can also take a bite out of your pay and should be discussed

This has been the pattern in several engineering specialties - such as the aerospace industry for many years. Engineers and other support people are hired, then as their part of a project is complete or canceled, they are let go. A project can go for 6 months or 6 years and you never know when or where you will be

There you go generalizing from a single data point. Not EVERY article that uses scientific evidence is using it correctly. Many do use the correlation of apples to orangutangs to PROVE a point. And not every expert is unswayed by the lure of money. What he is saying is take everything you see on the internet with a

I have several cables that are just laying either across the desk or on the floor right now. I will be seeing some of my grandkids this weekend - I have bought them enough leggos over the years that I think they can spare a few for me to put this great idea to use.

The copper straight from the hardware is coated with a grease that is probably not good for plants. Cleaning that grease will allow the copper to oxidize quickly turning your shiny copper colored pots green ( which may be OK for you) then gradually into a kind of dull greenish brown over time. If you want the pots to