
As an elder, I do have some trouble hearing. However it's not volume, its frequency. I have problems with certain frequencies. And when there is a lot of background noise these frequencies get overloaded and just sound like a lot of background noise. If I ask you to please repeat, Please look directly at me when you

Just remember - if you do make a mistake and use a plug adapter with a device that really needs a voltage converter - It will be an expensive mistake. Always check first.

Don't spend a lot of time worrying what everyone else is doing. Because they are busy worrying about what you are doing.

Most meetings (not all) are a complete waste of time. Often a memo would have been sufficient. When I had my own company, scheduled meting were rare. But with less than 12 employees who actually talked to each other not often needed either.

That was a long time ago. I don't really remember any downsides to the much smaller meetings in my admittedly small office. If we needed a bigger space, we still had access to the meeting rooms. I had a fairly good rapport with the group and we all realized that the sooner we got finished, the sooner we could get back

At one place I worked, I inherited a weekly meeting. The meeting was actually a part of my job requirement. I quickly learned that over half the attendees had no reason to be there beyond the FREE doughnuts and coffee furnished by the company for all or these type meetings. And that some of the dead wood would justify

Not every kid has any interest in learning other operating systems. They just want to play their games and social media stuff. Not fiddle with some strange OS. - and as most kids today grew up on windows, they consider Linux some geek only thing. (yes there are exceptions - I was one 30 years ago when I was using

And, if you really want to take all the stress out of your wedding, and save a lot of money that you will be needing later - Run off and see the local Justice of the Peace. You will be just as married, have a lot more money, and - in a few weeks no one will remember that you didn't spend an insane amount on your

YES!! learned a new trick today - close tab in Firefox by clicking middle button. Thank you.

If you are handy, and if your TV is wall mounted on an interior wall, you may consider running the wires inside the wall. Often, unless there is a cross piece the vertical space between the studs will go all the way down. This can be as simple as cutting a hole in the wall behind the TV, and another one down near the

Unfortunately, your SSN is not as secret as most people think. For many years it was used as an ID for a lot of things not related to social security. Many states put it on their drivers licenses, banks used it a as an account number and even had it printed on checks. Schools had it on all of their records and even on

It's going to vary by what the real user wants their computer to do. I set up my 65 year old younger sister's computer with Ubuntu nearly 8 months ago - I just handed it to her with a quick explanation that while it didn't look just like her old WinME it worked about the same - I showed her where the buttons were and

After trying several I went back to my old MS Money - It has the features I wanted - I don't use it to connect to my bank on line and the tax planning part is years out of date. But the always on cash flow graph is great. (You instantly see how a transaction today will affect you months from now). And the What if calc

Now you must memorize and remember at least a hundred completely unrelated and obscure passwords for sites that are not in any way giving up any sensitive information about you or your important stuff at all. Unfortunately, my brain cannot do this - so, I rely on just not putting anything sensitive on a computer that

I'm screwed thanks to Lastpass - I stopped using lastpass when I changed to a new computer - They have a lot of passwords for sites I haven't visited in well over a year. I don't even have lastpass on this computer & will now have to install it and HOPE! I can remember a password I haven't used in years. Just so I can

Nothing new for Hollywood - I have been watching the old black and white Perry Mason episodes - and they do the same thing. Some of the important clues are not shown to the viewer at all, and the rabbit out of a hat ending is a surprise. Having read Earl Stanly Gardner - he actually does give you the clues in the

Do you make it a point to reply to year old comments?

I have 2 grandsons who have all of the signs listed for needs more coaching - every single one. When trying to talk to their parents ( step daughter that I didn't have any say in raising) And their grandmother as well - about it all I get is how wonderful their kids are and how they are just misunderstood by others

You don't carry all of your money in your money belt - You carry what you expect to need in a normal wallet, along with ONE credit card and ONE form of ID. - The money belt if for the more than the amount you expect to need that day, for emergency cash when your wallet is stolen and to keep extra ID and Credit cards.