
I would prefer Linux - only Ubuntu refuses to work on my old dell box - on trying to install Ubuntu and Gentoo both just stop at the keyboard - ANY keyboard USB, PS2 or wireless. The mouse still works - either PS2 or USB. So it's back to XP until I can afford a new box. - I blame Dell and not Linux for that though. I

Real world example - in opening a meeting the chair says,"Only about a third of our customers are using this feature."

This only works if and only if you just happen to have a spark plug handy. Most people don't carry one around. I do have a tool designed to shatter the glass stored in the driver side door pocket of my car though. It also has a seat belt cutter on it. Possibly you could place a spark plug there and hope no one throws

I have actually told relatives that a particular internet post they forwarded was bogus - and being told in return that it MUST be true because it came from someone they trusted.

I am writing a book. It will never see print, but when I lay down to sleep, I spend time going over the plot, imagining each character, coming up with plot twists, going into detail on background - and pardon me I'm getting sleepy just thinkin.......zzzzz

Actually the bank benefits big time from your checking account - They don't keep your money in the vault collecting dust. They invest it at rates you could never get. By combining the millions of bucks sitting around in people's checking they make a lot of money. That's why banks used to have interest paying checking

I do so little printing any more that it really doesn't make much sense to have a laser that can only print in Black when my el cheapo all in one 10 year old piece of junk HP can scan also. I probably scan more than print. But it's still cheaper than having a laser to print only documents, a color inkjet to print only

Yes, my mistake. Thank you.

Most theaters cannot show the movie in its high frame rate. The cameras they use just are not built to do it. Probably most viewers saw it in the traditional frame rate - 24 frames per second. Be sure to check to see if the theater you saw it at has the capability of showing a movie at 48 FPS. I have not seen the HFR

If you don't have anything to say, don't say it on an email to the boss.

While I was in college, I recognized a student as a girl that I had seen just off a military base in another state working as a hooker. I never told anyone, and never confronted her with the fact that I knew. That Jerk at Duke has shown he is an immature ass that doesn't rate the education at a prestigious school that

I don't even use FB for the same reason I have mostly stopped using Google+ they are trying to be everything to everybody and have forgotten their roots. - I don't want an all encompassing piece of software that does everything half way. And tons of features that get in the way of what I want whether I want those

My credit union has a coin machine in every branch - It's free for members.

If I wanted FB functionality, I would use FB and not Google+. The circles were a great idea. But I really don't want the really dumb people you have never heard of that you may want to add to your circles part being shoved in my face. This is the main reason I stopped using it. If I want some one in a circle, I will

Remember a lot of financial advisers make their money based on the amount they can convince you to invest in whatever funds they are paid to push you to invest in. However, if you really trust that you can get that money out on that short a notice, possibly you can get away with a smaller emergency fund. I will not

Unfortunately Steam is swamped with 12 to 14 year olds who will tag anything with inappropriate tags - any FPS will get tagged as RPG. Open world will be tagged as casual And because there are so many of them, and they are so active ( they don't have jobs or families to support so they spend a lot more time on sites

I live in South Carolina. Where do you all get these snow tires? We have an inch of snow outside right now - the biggest snow so far this year ( we got a half inch one day last week) The roads are fine - maybe a bit of glaze in a few places. But it will all be gone this afternoon. And that too fast for conditions law

1. Figure out what kind of company you want to work for and what geographic region you want to live in FIRST!

I shave in the shower - as I have a beard, just my neck and maybe twice a week. I have been using a cheap dollar store suction cup holder for years (Yep, it actually cost a dollar) - I don't remember it ever falling, or the razor ever accidentally being knocked out of the holder - I suspect part of the reason is my

Spend less than you make. Sounds simple doesn't it? But I see people every day who are whining about how they just can't save any money, while driving a new car, wearing new clothes, going out to eat or to a bar 4 or more times a week and having the latest electronic gadgets. But if you try to show them where their