
Contrary to what most advertising says - most of the time you really don't have a choice - you get what your employer gives you. Whatever that is. The insurance companies are for profit companies and pay as little on your medical bills as they can get away with while charging as much as they can for premiums.

Another big win for the terrorists.

My watching of NFL has dropped way off since they started forcing cable only. I don't have cable - and Watch what little TV I do see OTA. It looks like pro football is going to go the way of pro baseball for me. I was once a big baseball fan, but quit watching ( I didn't even watch the world series this year) after

Completely misrepresented title - The article was absolutely not about what women think of men wearing fedoras, but about men affecting outlandish exaggerated chivalry - whether they wear a fedora or any other kind of hat is irrelevant to that discussion. Maybe some kind of perceived 'fedora personality" affected by

I worked at a company where they brought 25 Engineers to South Carolina from Vermont. ( great guys, loved working with them) We had a 2 inch snowfall and they laughed at us - but two of them ended up in a ditch coming to work. In Vermont, they have these things called snow plows, and they salt the roads to cut down on

1. Atlanta & Birmingham's problems were ICE not snow. Many Yankees don't understand that it usually rains, then freezes and then there is a thin layer of snow on top of the ice. During the day, it warms up and the snow melts then refreezes into black ice. Just because you THINK you know how to drive in snow (when it's

I like it - the motor driven feature is a fun addition, but not really needed for those that just want a simple secret compartment.

I knew a Bengals cheerleader - she worked as a waitress in a place I hung out. Very good looking and vivacious personality. But the cheerleading is way underpaid and way too demanding for what they get. She quit after 2 seasons because she said it was costing her more than she was making. How do the teams justify

How to cook in self defense. Someday, you may have to actually cook a real meal, not just heat something in the microwave. Learn at least one full meal that you can actually cook well to impress someone with. Mine is cheap, easy and delicious and takes just a half hour to make. - cube steak, rice with homemade gravy

Secret compartment FTW

I am a homeowner. My home is not an investment it is my home. I live here. I spend a lot of time here. I want to look nice and to function properly. I make improvements based on what I want and not on what some investment guru says will improve it's value. I like to believe it is worth more now than when I bought it,

Whenever I hear, "No offense intended, but..." I know that they do intend to offend with what they are about to say. And they know it and are trying to weasel out of taking responsibility for their own words.

The video is from Parts Express. These guys know speakers as they have been in the speaker business for many many years.

I keep a half inch wide natural fiber paint brush in the cup with my pens and pencils - for brushing between the keys on my keyboard.

They make it confusing on purpose. They can make more money if you really don't know the ins and outs of each plan.

Better still, bypass the recruiter and HR people altogether if you can. Instead, find a way to get your resume directly into the hands of the person who will be your direct boss at the company you want to work at. He never sees most resumes because they are filtered by people who really don't know what he actually

Having moved multiple times to new cities - the local YMCA. There is bound to be something you do that can be done there, swimming, basketball & softball leagues lots of other activities - including hiking, biking and short trips. Some activities are family oriented and others singles oriented. You don't have to be

At the last job I actually interviewed for, I spent my time with the first person talking about softball - we both played on leagues. And the second tier talking about airplanes. I worked on F4s in the Marine Corps, he flew F100s in the Air force. The next one up was the CEO, We went to lunch and talked about craft

I was at my local Wall Mart yesterday. They had a half pallet of velveta blocks on sale on one of their display roadblocks. Where is this velveta shortage taking place?

That EVERYONE has a hand in your pocket. You are expected to pay suppliers up front or at best in under 30 days, while people who pay you demand longer terms and bigger discounts. And the bigger customers will insist on paying in 45 to 90 days and a whopping discount on top - DON'T give a discount for anything over 30