
This entire article is presented as 'it's all about the money' - and that is the problem. In High School the kids are bombarded with how much more MONEY they will make with a real degree vs how little they will make as a lowly insignificant and looked down on trade worker. The kids are not allowed to think about what

What this kid did was unexcuseable - However, My guess is the court looked on this as a 16 year old - And imposed a non jail sentence instead of sending a kid to prison. Hopefully there was a stiff monetary penalty as well, as that is the only thing that matters to those rich jerks like he is going to become. His

WHY were the family checking the twitter account of the person who ran over the grandmother? Were they looking for something to blame the teen for? Or just being morbidly nosy? What were they expecting from a 19 year old trying to put her life back together after having accidentally run over someone. Do they insist

I missed my work Christmas party this year. I live 500 miles away from the main office. and usually it would be great to see the people I deal with over the phone all year. I would have had no problem driving - and the boss would have likely even paid mileage and for a hotel for me to attend (if I asked). But I had a

I seriously doubt that not attending the office party had much to do with your being fired - poor attitude however probably had a lot to do with it. Your attitude, reflected in poor performance and laying out of work was likely obvious to your boss who had been planning on firing you the first chance they had. Being

I see a lot of redundancy in this list - multiple knives, multiple flashlights and 2 sets of keys. I can see a leatherman tool and a larger knife. Possibly one larger flashlight and a smaller pen light - but 2 keys? I would add a space blanket, paracord or some kind of heavy string, and if you wear glasses, a spare

I just open multiple versions of Firefox and log on to the same site.

I buy all of my socks in the same color and at the same time. About once a year I buy 9 pair of identical black dress socks and 9 pair of identical white sport socks. Matching is simple - you match each black sock with any other black sock. And any white one with another white one. If you loose a sock you just have a

Once upon a time frequent flyer meant someone who spent a lot of time on airplanes. Now, it means someone who spends a lot of money using that airlines branded credit card. As a person who actually has to fly as part of my job, I resent the benefits being given to the credit card holder over the actual flyers. As a

I have dumped ANY program that tries to stick you with The conduit malware. It is often disguised as something else, and in one instance, unchecking the install crapware box did not keep it from installing. And nearly the only way to get rid of it is to roll back to an earlier System Restore Point. For some reason,

I think there is a bar LA for nearly any group of 'people from home'. I traveled with a guy from Vermont, and had to leave him on his own in LA for 2 weeks. He was not a young kid, but a 40 year old happily married Engineer. When I got back to pick up the project again, he had met a dozen people from his small home

In logic this is known as the 'No true Scotsman' fallacy - Google it.

I have some news for you - your data has never been safe on the internet - or on any computer. If you put it on there, someone can get it off no matter what you do to secure it.

The hole digging is not a good analogy for this. Think of wanting a particular toy (or video game) that you don't think is appropriate for them. Or going over to a friend's house when that 'friend's' parents are total loosers that will give the kid anything if it will shut him up for a few minutes. When children want

Dickle is my every day go to. Similar to Jack, but not the same. Less expensive, but not 'cheap' by any means. The colors are reversed though so be careful when picking black over white label. The white (#12) is the more expensive and 90 proof. While the black (#8) is less expensive 80 proof. But, if you are going to

In the late 50s - early 60s My family lived on the Japanese Island of Okinawa. Turkey was hard to come by. The military PX actually tried to bring in enough, but it was more than could be expected. My father roasted a small pig. Years before in Germany we had Goose as in the early to mid 50s Turkey just was not

It's nice to know the US isn't the only country where politicians are totally clueless.

Be careful with your pills. Some low intelligence TSA agents will open a pill bottle ( is this sanitary?) and if it has multiple types of pills pull you out as a druggie. You get the option of giving them all of your pills ( one of my prescriptions costs over $5 a pill and I am supposed to take 2 a day) or not flying

Actually installing Linux can be extremely easy - The current Ubuntu distribution that I am using will automatically do everything needed to set itself up to dual boot with Win7. That said, it's much harder to get many other things to work properly on Linux. Such things as a non standard mouse, wireless keyboard,