
Some x10 devices do have a 2 way communication capability - But not many. If I had a garage door ( mine is an open front ) I would likely use a separate sensor . I have had a lot of fun with the all on/all off function, and have several devices on a separate house code so they don't go all on/off with the lights -

Insteon is far more expensive than x10. But some of it does work with x10 making it a viable upgrade. X10 is susceptible to noise - I have installed filters on several circuits that fixed 99% of the instability caused by electrical noise. As for bridging phases, as soon as you add a 220vac x10 component, your bridging

All of a sudden home automation is a new fad. I have been doing this since the 1970s. Mostly with an ancient protocol known as X10. I automated my first light switch in the late 70s using a BSR X10 switch. Later X10 was sold in Radio Shack and other outlets, often under a brand label - but they all still worked

I got a wall mount for my TV from Monoprice. It was very inexpensive - less than $20 as opposed to about $100 for something similar from Best Buy - This is a quality piece of hardware, heavy duty and with real working adjustments. Lots of screws included for different kinds of walls. But their price on security

I just buy nine pair of identical black socks when the last bunch starts showing wear - and throw out all of my old black socks. The last two times I did this I threw away 9 pair of socks each time - No lost socks. I also get 9 pair of white sport socks and do the same thing with them. I don't know if the socks

This could depend on what is inside that floor/ceiling - if there are several electrical wires directly between the router and device they could be killing the signal in just that particular spot. Moving either the router or device should allow you to figure out if this is the problem.

I have seen quite a bit of variation in the actual life of CFLs. Some seems to be based on location - bathroom lights that are turned on for a matter of minutes then off a dozen times a day don't seem to last as long as a light that may be turned on once during the day and left on for up to 8 hours. The 2 lights near

Having grown up as an Army brat, I learned early if it doesn't fit in the car, you really don't own it. It WILL be left behind on the next move. Furniture, dishes, pots and pans, curtains, rugs, appliances, electronics are all expendable items to either be sold or given away when you move. Family heirlooms can be

Believe it or not, long before I became a crotchety old man, I was a teenager. I remember those teen angst days with a lot of fondness. That stage can last into the 30s for some people. And. I also remember how alienated I felt by the grossly unfair adult world I had to put up with. Believe it or not, this too shall

You seem to have missed the topic of this. If so, here it is

I wish you luck in finding a meaningful job.

If you are looking for a job - you are definitely younger than me. I have been retired for 6 years. (and still being called in as a consultant) Why the hostility? I was telling you the point of view of the person who will be doing the hiring. To a certain extent, they DO care what you do outside of work as that CAN

You seem to live in that teenage dream world where everything is the way you think it should be. BEFORE employing some one, wild partying and doing stupid stuff that you post - or have posted about you on the internet are considered a good indication that you will not be a reliable employee. It costs a lot for a

Interesting question. I really don't know and have never thought about that before.

A real background check by a bonded company will base their check on your SSN. They will not report any sensational crap online based on just your name matching somebody elses. You will show up on any law enforcement data base and no matter how much you paid that company you found on the internet to clean your

As a former employer, I was not interested in what a now older and more mature candidate did in high school. I preferred veterans they tended to be far more responsible than non veterans. I was required by law to do a criminal background check. And the bonded company I used did so using your SSN and not just your

I have a relative who does something like this. At the beginning of the meal. he lays a $5 bill (this is usually at lunch in a reasonably priced place where $5 could easily be 20%) He then tell the waitperson that he will subtract dollar any time his ice tea glass is empty. He usually gets attentive service. - But

You are right - I do have almost no bills. That was part of my retirement planning. If you think I must make more than you, please check on what Social Security pays.

When using a 3rd party discounter you are not the hotels customer, the discounter is. If there is a problem with your reservation, the will often tell you to call the discounter because they cannot help you. Where if you call the hotel direct and make your reservation, They will bend over backward to help with a

I spent nearly 40 years traveling. Today to the airlines you are nothing more than self loading cargo. The frequent flyer programs are no longer geared toward frequent flyers but for the users of their overpriced airline branded credit cards. You want a FREE TRIP?? Just sign up for this credit card and you get 20,000