
I have a stick on hook on the side of my monitor holding my headset. If you get the right kind you can stick these things anywhere, and they can be removed without leaving a mess or pulling the paint off with them. And can be reused several times. I think the big one, like I used cost about a dollar each and can be

DNS Jumper - itty bitty window that I had to scroll both X & Y to see much of anything. If I can't see it, I won't use it. (Using Firefox)

As an army brat growing up in the 50s and 60s, this wasn't an option, it was our way of life. If it didn't fit in a suitcase - you didn't own it and it was left behind. We moved - sometimes long distances (South Carolina to Japan or Oregon to Germany) or shorter distances (San Francisco to San Diego) on the average of

If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind - Then is an empty desk the sign of an empty mind?

If you are given a choice always take cash over a title. With a fancy title, and a couple of bucks you can get a coffee at Starbucks - without the title but with the cash, that coffee costs exactly the same. I have had lots of titles. Some companies gave them to get out of giving a raise.

She sounds a lot like my congressman. But looks a lot better.

Lifelong geek - Been working in electronics since 1964 and on computers since 1978 - I have a SB degree in computer science and have worked as a programmer.

Then you run into the manager who will always ask how long will this take? And then demand you cut 25% off of your estimate because he would add 25% if he was asked the same thing. Then gets up in your face because your project did not meet his unrealistic demand - claiming that it was You who set that deadline by

I once worked for a company that didn't want you to put up anything. They had paid a decorator to decide on a plant that would sit in your cube, a picture on the wall, and a cutesy faux leather desk set just like everyone else's. There was not supposed to be anything on your desk that you were not working on at that

Not 'everyone' at MS knows anything about computers - this was a bash thrown by the marketing people - who are notoriously clueless anyway. Hassling a journalist that you invited with the intent that he would write something nice about the new toybox - Not really bright.

It is usually cheaper to just pay the fine. Most insurance companies will not raise your rate on one speeding violation (some will though so ask) If you really want to fight it - go to court and you will be allowed about 2 minutes to present your case to a bored judge who has heard it all before. If you are lucky the

I have been driving for a very long time - and have had several jobs where daily driving of as much as averaging 100 miles a day was a part of the job - far beyond a simple commute. I have a grand total of ONE speeding ticket in 50 years of driving. I typically drive around 5 mph over on most roads. I do make it a

The last 3 jobs I had I never interviewed with anyone from HR at all. I found who at the company really had the authority to hire - And called them directly to ask about a job. The entire purpose of the HR interview is to cut down on the number of people they pass on to the next level. HR has no clue what my

I like the new tabs - And each tab does show how many new messages you have under that tab. Very handy for segregating the important messages from the purely social and those dumb advertisements disguised as newsletters you subscribed to and just haven't managed to unsubscribing from because it's just too easy to

I do like chili, and like many have my own recipe. I make it with or without beans - depends on how I feel at the time. However, as a southerner, I don't particularly care for the 'Cincinnati' style with cinnamon added. (They use it as spaghetti sauce!) Although I did find the people of Cincinnati to be friendly

Love it - that was just the attitude I ran into. In 1971 I was fresh out of a highly regimented job where the proper uniform for every activity was spelled out in detail (USMC) and had no desire to join one where a uniform was required, but you had to figure it out on your own. - BTW, the IBM job I applied for was

My first experience with corporate culture

Simplest and cheapest is still x10 - it's been around for over 20 years. Every light in my house is on x10. I can control them independently with one of the palm pad controllers. I have a timer that can turn specific lights (or other devices ) on or off at specific times. I have an all lights off/on wall switch at my

I have an old customer who refuses to give up on MSDos So I have to keep a copy around to troubleshoot problems several times a year. The old programs he uses still work fine for what he needs so he sees no reason to change.

I actually did get a repositioning flight some years ago - but there was no ticket price reduction. It was an early morning Piedmont Airlines flight. I was flying out of Charlotte - which was their main base and repair center. They had oversold a flight by 4. They put all four of us and our checked luggage on a