
A favorite college prank from the mid 1960s was to fill a condom to the size of a watermelon - probably close to 5 gallons of water. It takes 2 people to carry it on a towel - very carefully. Then roll it very carefully from the towel onto someones bed. Cover it with a sheet so they don't know exactly what it is at

Secret server room - This was a very small room (4', 8" square) that had started life as a half bath. Then had all fixtures removed when it was converted to a closet. I installed steel racks on one side, put in a exhaust fan on a thermal switch, installed extra outlets & ran all wiring under the house. I have a

There will now be a run on these parts. I already have the Samsung charger - I hope I can get the other parts before they all run out.

Somewhere along the line, the US air farce totally missed the concept that fighter aircraft are essentially expendable in combat . A certain percentage don't come back. If you have fewer, but far more expensive planes then the other guy overwhelms you with numbers. So what if your $420 mil plane can take out 12 of

Is anyone taking bets that he will still get a big bonus this year?

A major mistake is thinking salary is all you get from a company. Negotiate for other things that can raise your real income or enjoyment at work - such as performance bonuses. extra vacation days, a company vehicle, A company paid phone, Matching 401k deposits - be creative think up something original. I know one

If a criminal wants in bad enough they will get in. The purpose of good locks is to slow them down enough to where they decide they don't want in that badly and move on to an easier target. As for house doors - a hard kick will open most without resorting to picking the lock (most thieves don't know how to pick locks)

That's one of the reasons most people consider lawyers sleazy - they use their specialized language to obscure what they are saying instead of making it clear. Even if I do read it, I have no clue what it says - And I believe that's the way lawyers want it to be.

Doesn't affect me any more. I gave up on going to movies entirely. The experience has been totally ruined. Not just by the ass hats that are unable to lay off of their phone addiction for 90 minutes, but also:

Security pro here. Lots of good ideas here. However, a pro burglar WILL look in the freezer. That one has been overdone. Don't go overboard with your fake stash. A few $5 bills on top and a handful of $1 is probably sufficient $30 is more than enough. Unless the thief is a real pro he will grab the cash and stuff it

Answer the phone. It may be someone who wants to give you money! We call those people 'Customers'.

What's even funnier is to watch a yankee try to drive in the south after one of our rare snow storms - Yes, there is only an inch of snow, but under that is a thin layer of ice - It typically rains first, the rain freezes then a thin layer of snow builds up on that. Then we don't have any - repeat ANY salt or other

I once worked for a small company (120 employees) that outsourced much of its preliminary employment screening. They wanted to give one of these tests to applicants - the 80 year old company owner asked them to first give the same test to all of the current employees and rate them as to whether they would be sent on

Help your friends and neighbors who are still having problems. After Hurricane Hugo ripped up the Carolinas some of my neighbors didn't have power for up to 6 weeks. I got power back in a few hours because I lived very near a substation. I had people I didn't know coming over to take showers and store food in my

Named after 50's songs - My current main computer is Elvira and the laptop is Suzy Q. Previous computers have been Donna (the Primma Donna), Sherie (4 Seasons), Dianna, (Diamonds)

There are cell alternatives to a land line for security systems. However, if you are locked into one of the ironclad contracts, that it is nearly impossible to get out of, for a well known security company, they may require a land line.

I no longer have a land line, However when I did, I used the power for an emergency Light for power failures. I suspect it could also be used to charge a cell phone during a power failure - You would want to build the voltage regulator before the emergency though.

As long as ASK uses tricks to fool you into installing it, I consider it malware to be removed. I automatically include it when scanning any computer for problems. And I do scan many computers for other people - mostly friends & relatives

Many seniors are living on far less than you think. The big bank induced depression wiped out three quarters of my 401k retirement just when I was retiring - forced retirement due to a reduction in force - leaving me to live mostly on the pittance that I get from Social Insecurity. I don't go to theaters - I can't

At a small company the exit interview may mean something, but at any large company it's just another piece of paper to be put in your personnel file. By being positive, no one ever sees it again. By being negative, it gets passed up to some manager who doesn't really care, but now has to deal with it. It doesn't