Another reason to not bother with apple. It's a CABLE!! used to move binary highs and lows from one place to another - not a super duper data transfer device and cash cow.
Another reason to not bother with apple. It's a CABLE!! used to move binary highs and lows from one place to another - not a super duper data transfer device and cash cow.
Never argue with a fool. The people observing the argument may not be able to tell the difference.
A navy jock has to be able to everything an AF jock does - then do it over the ocean with no landmarks as far as you can see, find his carrier in the dark and land on it. A Marine pilot has to be able to do everything a navy pilot does - then fly between the trees to deliver his ordnance.
Accuracy? When these are the same fools that think they can hit a moving target from a moving car? Aim is irrelevant to these idiots. They shoot like that because they saw it in a movie and think it looks cool. The innocent bystanders are in more danger than the intended target.
Very nice project. I especially like using the thermal switch to power it on & off. I did something similar to this some years back - I used a pair of 80mm 220VAC fans plugged into 120VAC - they worked fine and were dead quiet. I installed the fans at the top rear of the cabinet, cut a intake at the bottom and taped…
I have been using X10 for automation for over 20 years. It's inexpensive, simple - and there are many kinds of switches & controllers available.
As long as there are no real penalties to the drug pushers (pharmaceutical companies) for lying to the public they will continue with business as usual. Fines are just a cost of business and are passed on to the customer - who is usually an insurance company who just raises their premium to compensate. A real penalty…
The G930 is marketed as a gamer headset and specs say "Gaming Grade wireless" to me this says cheap sound optimized for loud explosions and what they think of as 'combat' voice quality. The addition of the voice morphing cheapens it even more.
I'm with you on this - It seems the headset makers go for the lowest common denominator in the headset market - kids playing games - the headsets are marketed as PS3 or Xbox with gamer graphics on them. And either with some proprietary game box connector, or for PC, a USB connector. I NEED a reliable wireless headset…
I use an independent local cable service. It originally included a real land line - separate copper wire and all. I kept track of all the calls I received for a month Every one was either a telemarketing call, a wrong number or a scam. - One was an autocall that told me my Toyota was ready to be picked up after being…
Absolutely. I have been following the experiment for several years and am really impressed by the rapid improvements and great results they have been getting. While I don't see this as anywhere near perfected yet, it is already better than many of the human drivers I have seen on the roads. BTW, I'm 66 years old and…
That has got to be one of the absolute worst sites I have seen in quite a while. The 'info-graphic' comes in 2 sizes, too small to read and so big it overflows both sides of the screen. The info is scattered all over the place and hard to follow. The colors look like they were selected by a 14 year old neophyte web…
I once consulted my heart doctor asking a question about an alternative drug to the rat poison (Coumadin) he prescribed. It was a much safer drug that had far fewer bad side effects, but was slightly more expensive. I saw an online article comparing the various blood thinning medications when used for a specific…
Does it do a better job of washing clothes than my old box style? If not, why should I buy it? Looks like it belongs in an art museum but not in a laundry room. I haven't shown my laundry room to very many art critics. And, in 90% of the laundry rooms I have seen this would just not fit. Are we supposed to redesign…
You - and everyone around you, came to see the show live. Holding a phone or camera up during much of the show is extremely rude and shows a remarkable insensitivity to everyone else at the show. When you do this you are blocking the view of those behind you. - and that insensitivity seems to be getting all to…
Great idea, unfortunately all of my tables have round metal legs and the rope would just slip off. But I don't have a problem with the cat scratching table legs either. She sticks with the back of an old chair I really don't care about. There is a squirt bottle on my desk if she tries scratching anything else.
Yup - however today's 'cell phones' are no longer just 'phones'. They are mini-microcomputers with limited computer functionality and a built in phone app. If they keep the same rate of improvement In 20 years or so they will be implants (or something similar) with direct neural stimulation and far more computer…
Now as customers we need to explain to Verizon that 'Contract' is just a word and doesn't mean what they think it does. In fact, if they can change the dictionary meaning of 'unlimited' then I should be able to change the dictionary meaning of 'contract' and drop Verizon with no penalty.
Another win for the pirates - they don't have any problems accessing the tunes they stole. Only the legitimate users who were dumb enough to actually pay for their tunes have these problems. Please Apple and others, Please make it easy for the legitimate users. We really do want to pay a fair price for tunes and other…
Over 30 years ago one of my first Computer Science Instructors tole us "Never put anything on a computer that you don't want everyone to know." That is still great advice. I see people today leaving their private data all over the place - usually there is no need to tell everyone your deepest personal secrets or your…