
Older geek here - We've been throwing keyboards into the dishwasher for years. I can only remember one that ever failed to work after being sent through. Just do not use the heated dry function. After was & rinse take the KB out and lay it on a towel. Turn it over after about every 12 to 24 hours and wait at least 3

What I would like to see is a reasonably priced wireless headset (with mic) that - instead of using USB uses the built in audio in/out that every computer, laptop, game console and most phones have. A few adapters for those that just had to be different would make this nearly universal for both music and voice

Simple suggestion for store clerks - add $1 to whatever shows on the register display. DO NOT ring up an extra dollar. If it shows $6.79 plainly where they can see it. And you tell them That'll be $7.79 - I guarantee many of them will pay it - Their tiny brain just cannot deal with the hassle of actually reading the

That's exactly when you want to be doing these maneuvers. As a Jarhead in the back, you knew that the driver was doing everything that 'shithook' was capable of doing, plus a bit more to keep you alive. These wonderful birds are still in service because they can do things the new helos, - that cost ten times as much

The point was they can't get it any other way. Tell me how to get this movie legally in 3D? No can do. Yes, piracy is illegal, immoral and not good for business. How does the MPAA think that somehow makes this movie available for those willing to pay for it? I do not pirate movies. Also, I do not have a legal way to

I just checked my Twitter for the first time in about 6 months - I have 7 followers!!! And I have no clue who 4 of them are. (or why the other 3 are bothering to follow me.) Why would anyone want to follow me? I don't post anything.

Former (retired) security pro here. The least expensive and most effective burglar deterrent for the price is a security sign in your yard. Most burglars will pass your home up if they see one. The signs can be purchased on line for just a few bucks. Even if you do have a full security system lock your doors and

The coverage by NBC was practically the same kind of stuff we got 25 years ago. A few popular sports shown mostly live, a few slightly less popular sports on tape delay, A few taped highlights of some other sports, and many sports ignored altogether. Interspersed with inane interviews and 'profiles' of some popular

So tell me again just why I should use craigslist any more. If they persist in removing the usefulness of the site then people will just no longer use it.

That looks a lot like my old DEC VT78 terminal - it was a PDP8 in terminal form, so if you had the optional 8 inch floppy module it worked well as a stand alone computer.

There were pad form factor computers long before the ipad. They were just not very popular until apple brought theirs out. The innovation in the ipad is not the form factor, but the integration of the software in it.

It appears to me that this ruling changes copyrighted violation from a civil offense to a criminal offense - instead of being sued for copyright violation, you can go to jail for robbery.

I used to travel a lot for business. My company has a deal with a local travel agency that is connected with other travel agents throughout the world. I may not always get the cheapest deal, but often in travel, that cheapest deal is not the best value. Having traveled a lot, I know the problems you can get into

Never is a very long time. Nearly every scientific breakthrough was at one time declared to be impossible by the experts of that day. Man will never fly is one of the most well known. However every other technology was also declared 'impossible' by the recognized experts of their day. To the detractors who claim that

How can they find this data when they only count their own subscribers? Some of whom would drop the rest of the inane cable garbage if they could without also losing HBO.

I have used the stand up meeting trick to cut a meeting short. I chaired a weekly meeting on product warranty returns. When I took over there were almost 20 people there every week. The previous chair had brought doughnuts to his meeting. My meetings were constantly being drawn off topic and had to be dragged back -

After playing Skyrim on PC with mods & codes - consoles are a joke. Lame control sequences, mediocre graphics, no way to bypass a game breaking glitch (That's what you can use those codes for) , And what do you do when you finish the game? Start over? On PC there are mods that extend the game almost indefinitely.

Long time geek here. I have not been able to justify a smartphone over my old reliable dumb phone. I don't need a phone that can surf the internet, access twitter and facebook or play games. I have a perfectly good desktop computer that can do all of these much better. I have a really nice Cannon camera that can dump

There are nuts out there who will intentionally run off the road to hit an animal. I once lived in a rural neighborhood where there was a woman who was known to intentionally run over animals. She ran completely off the road to run over my dog - after hitting the dog she ran into a ditch and tore the front end up on

Long ago, in the late 1970's I took my first college computer science course. One of the things that the instructor emphasized was to NEVER, under any circumstances put anything onto a computer that you do not want everyone to know. That anything you put on a computer can be accessed by someone no matter how hard you