
The only artists that could possibly benefit from his free recordings and make money from the tours are those who are both current ad big. How do the smaller - part time musicians who play mostly bars, and those who can no longer tour make enough to survive until they make it big? Yes, big music companies can make

This kind of thing actually happens a lot more in old war zones than you would think. As a teen, Army Brat living on Okinawa in the early 1960s, We stumbled on a pallet load of artillery shells during a Sunday school beach picknik. EOD was called - We had a blast.

Some people think that seat assignments are sacred and you absolutely must stay in your assigned seats or something terrible will happen.

Not from my local cable company. You do get a discount - but that doesn't make up the extra you would have to pay. I have Internet service only, no phone as I have a cell that is paid for by my employer, and I get my TV from an antenna or the internet.

I have taken the counter offer twice, with vastly different companies. And have not seen the problems you described. I also tend to work for smaller companies or those owned by a single person. My primary job is to make my boss (the owner) rich. As long as I am doing this, they will go out of their war to retain me.

Unfortunately, due to the rabid sensationalism of the press It will not matter what a jury decides. The news media has already tried and convicted the shooter without waiting to see what the real evidence is. If a jury finds him innocent, there will be riots. And if past cases are any example, the members of the jury

My guess is that this will be blocked by preemptive lawsuits for many years before it is allowed. Mostly based on the same kind of 'what if' scenarios We are seeing here. Autonomous cars may be much safer. However, unless there is some safe harbor, or limit on liability, lawyers will go after the software maker, the

The cobra helo has nothing to do with this story. If you look, it's tied down (tie down chains holding it to the ground) and the rotor is secured with straps to prevent the wind from turning it. There is no crew in or around it. It would take quite a bit of time to prepare this helo for flight. In other words - this

Old jarhead here. We used to say the Air force flew so high they never saw their targets. And in Viet Nam - rarely hit them. The Navy pilots had to be able to navigate over water with no landmarks and then land on a carrier in a choppy sea. Marine pilots had to be able to everything a navy pilot could, then fly

I have completely cut off several etailers for spamming. Even if I like their product. If they have a way to express why I cut them off, I do say too much spam. Please take a hint. One email newsletter ad a month is usually sufficient IF I like your stuff. 1 or 2 a week is overkill 1 or 2 a DAY is absurd. More than 2

I travel for work. And over the years I have learned exactly what and how to pack for my typical 2 -3 day business trip. In my suitcase (kept packed at all times) , 3 pair work trousers, 3 work shirts, 4 sets underwear, 4 pair socks. Swimsuit, hoodie, gloves & knit hat in winter. I have a complete second set of

Everyone expects a Hollywood type explosion whenever OMG jet fuel! is involved in a fire. The reality is jet fuel is actually just a high grade of kerosine. Much like the 'white kerosine' used in portable home heaters. It is much much less flammable than gasoline or avgas (avaition grade gasoline used in piston prop

My file holder is a re-purposed record holder - you do remember those round vinyl thingies that played music don't you? The metal rack makes a great file folder rack.

I have been traveling for a living for 40 years. Long before the internet I learned to ask a local expat where the good places to eat are. Very rarely have I been let down.

I have an irregular heartbeat how is that going to affect this?

I have done something similar with the door of an unused half bath off of my den. I used an Ikea Billy bookcase as the door. I recessed the bookcase so it looks like a built in bookcase. I put casters on the bottom, and hinges on one side. I had to leave a 3 inch gap on the other side to clear the wall when it swings

Glad to see you got your stuff back. I would be devastated if I lost my work laptop. I have my entire career on it, Most is backed up somewhere or another. But it would take weeks of lost productivity, to put it back together again.

Love it. Leave a phone number - preferably something like dial-a-prayer - or the number of that asshat bogus lawyer that calls with a recorded message demanding you to call back - because someone you don't know supposedly owes someone else you don't know money. BUT, be sure there is no scratch first or if someone sees

Having spent a lot of time in hotel rooms over the last 35 years, I have always left the room when the maid comes in to clean. I realize she is working and would usually rather have the guest out of the way. And they usually leave the door propped open when they are working a room because they leave the cart with

@Monkeyracing: I am on your side, an artist needs to be paid for their work. Piracy is theft of work.That said, The actions of the RIAA and the other organizations are nothing short of racketeering. They have bribed our government into copyrights that do not protect the artist, but the corporations who feed off of the