Yes, copyright is needed to protect the artist from being ripped off. But not to protect a company that has made it a business to buy up copyrights.
Yes, copyright is needed to protect the artist from being ripped off. But not to protect a company that has made it a business to buy up copyrights.
Skip HR altogether. Their job is to filter out the applicants who don't get last years buzz words into their resume. If you do technical work, they don't know what you do anyway. (but they think they do) Do some research on the industry you are interested in. When you decide who you really want to work for, find out…
I once took over a job that required me to hold a boring meeting on warranty returns of product every week. When I started there were about 25 attendees and the meeting went on for at least an hour, and often longer. I started holding the meeting in a room with no chairs (And NO doughnuts!). The number of attendees…
I like it! This has given me an idea for a new project that will get my big case off the floor and get my rats nest of cables under control. I will build the drawer, with mesh sides and back. fans either all across the back or across one side. Extended slide rails to be able to pull it out far enough to reach all…
X10, I suggest a motion sensor with a module to turn on your outside light and maybe an inside hall light at the same time. You will need a receiver too. So, 1 receiver, 1 motion sensor, 1 screw in light bulb adapter, 1 plug in lamp module - about $20 to $30 and a few minutes to plug it in NO WIRING!
Nothing new here - I have been doing all of this since the 1980s with a system called x10 - it's still around and some of my early modules actually still work. Google x10 and you will find one of the worst web sites in existence with lots of hyperbole, flashing lights, floating pop ups and somewhere in between…
Pretty much right on. I'm a moderator on a forum. And the trolls that get the most upset about being banned are the ones who are absolutely positive they were in the right, and I am wrong for cutting them off at the knees for trolling some innocent - or even some not so innocent poster.
Back in the early 1970s I worked with a system designed to land a fighter jet - an F4 Phantom - with hands off the controls on an aircraft carrier. It actually worked, but The biggest problem was the pilots could not keep their hands off the controls when landing. They just did not believe in the computer enough to…
But... The TSA will insist on having you take it out and run separately. Not because it is policy or required as they will claim, but because the individual TSA agent will insist that if you don't, then he will send you to the involuntary groping line. And once you have gotten that far, you cannot even refuse to be…
Or, just say something like "If you would like to continue this conversation, I'll be at Mick's Bar and Grill at 4:30 this afternoon." Non threatening to either sex, A public place, and the ball is in their court whether to pursue a friendship or not.
No No No, you piss off the Lee side dumbass.
Language is important, using profanity as punctuation or just because you can often detracts from what you say. People hear the swear word and not what you said. Judicious use 'can' emphasize a point, but more often actually detracts from the meaning If you rarely use swear words, when you do people will sit up and…
Former owner of a security company here: The door stickers and yard sign are the least expensive option. And they do work, especially against the low class grab and run hoodlums that are the most common 'burglar'. These jerks usually do more damage to your property than the value of what they steal. A real pro will…
You are missing the boat here. This is marketing - you need to burn your name and advertisement into the screen so that absolutely must see it whenever they use the ipod.
Not gonna happen - That's one of those urban myths promulgated by movies & TV. The hole the size of a bullet will not pull you out of the plane either. In fact, If a window is completely blown out at 30,000 feet, And you are in the seat beside it, you will probably survive.
The reality is TSA scanners have caught exactly zero terrorists. However they have caught a few Grandmothers, disabled travelers, and 1 inch Swiss Army knives ( totally unsuitable for stabbing anyone). The screening at airports is a sham designed to appease a few people who are panicked at the idea of anything…
I live in South Carolina and have an Ohio area code. My son lives in Minnesota and has a South Carolina area code. It depends on where you activate the phone, not where you actually live.
They are not going to lose $2 billion, They are just not going to make $2 billion that they would have. This is not the same as losing the money. They will still make a profit overall, just $2 billion less than they would like to make. Meaning their vastly overpaid executives will not get quite as much of a 'bonus'.…
Tell me again exactly how many terrorists have been caught by these invasive searches at airports?
From a dad - Maybe your dad wants to actually talk to you.