
I am sure the 'plan' is to shoot them down over the ocean during approach - before they are close enough to Manhattan Island to do what they intend.

Baggies - Every new gadget calls for a baggie to put the 'extra' stuff in. The filled baggie goes on a shelf in a closet in the back bedroom. If I ever need it, it's easy to find, the wires are not tangled, the manual is in with the CD etc. Baggies come in all sized - from the half pint snack to a 5 gallon mega

I watched the Giraldo Rivera 'Al Capone' vault opening special at a nice restaurant (with a bar) that was supposedly an old mafia hang out in Chicago. There were several older gentleman (in their 80s) in there dressed in expensive suits and sometimes speaking what I think was Italian. They were almost falling off of

These kits are not new. I got one of these several years ago. Worked great, until the battery corroded. It seems that the LED version outlasted the battery lifetime and was still working. The insides of the flashlight were so badly corroded I was unable to remove the battery and had to throw the flashlight away. Just

Just in case you are still wondering how it is that these idiots can get elected in the first place, then get reelected year after year. It's YOU that votes for them. By either voting for the Party instead of the candidate (Not much real choice there) or by not voting at all and allowing the worst of the worst to rule

Or, Use your lunch break to take a nap. At one place where I worked a second job we got a 10 minute break after 2 hours, a 30 minute lunch break after 4 hours and another 10 minute break after 6 hours. I usually managed to squeeze in at least 40 minutes of sleep daily just by putting my head down on the desk during

Unfortunately, most CFLs are marketed based on 'equivalent wattage' and not actual light output. If you look for them you can find CFLs that do give daylight type light output in the proper spectrum - look for lumens and not equivalent wattage.

Way to go banks - The entire purpose behind debit cards was to replace paper checks with a system that did away with the 'float' that occurs between when you write the check and when the bank actually enters the transaction (takes the money out of your account) what does it cost to process a paper check?

@theworldisasheep: This will work at distances over 100 feet. The only difference will be the length of the HDMI cable. I ran mine under the house in the crawl space.

@theworldisasheep: You don't say, But I assume you want to stream from your computer in a different location than your TV. I use a DVI to HDMI converter box that I got for $40. As DVI doesn't carry audio, It has an input for toslink (fiber optic) or RCA connectors to put the audio onto the HDMI. Take video out of a

Stuff is just that, stuff. I grew up as an army brat in the 50s, If something didn't fit in the car, we didn't own it - because it would be left behind on the next move. Now I feel I can walk away from any 'stuff' that I have with no regrets. This doesn't mean that I don't own 'stuff' it means the 'stuff' doesn't own

@Kevster: Absolutely! This paid off for me a couple of years ago when a leak from an apartment over mine ruined some of my stuff. The complex paid for the repairs to the structure & carpets. I had to cover my own stuff. I could probably have sued the complex or the other tenant for the damage, but the insurance paid

I like it! It actually works. Thanks for the tip.

Still using my dumb Phone. And that is what is, a phone. I think I may have sent one or two texts in the years I have had it, but if its important enough to communicate, I call. My family uses texts to send mass communications - like updates when someone is in the hospital.

@tyler.derden: The pin is actually a cotter pin. it is a safety device. The fuse is not started until the lever - usually called the spoon is allowed to flip up and off. That causes a small spring - similar to a mouse trap to flip over hitting a percussion cap that starts the fuse burning. when the fuse gets to its

I used a leading space back in the pre internet days - when you password was likely to be stolen by a co worker looking over your shoulder watching what keys you typed. Not for some nefarious purpose, but to prank you. I actually had one watch me type my password 10 times in a row, then allow him to try to log onto my

@jupigare: That should not be the teacher's problem. Everybody has 'special circumstances' get over it.

@arh213: If you worked for me and consistently showed up late, you wouldn't work for me long. By being late you are costing your employer money and reputation. The money is easier to replace than the reputation. You are easier to replace than either.

Nice hack.

Schedule your meeting in a room with no chairs. It will magically be cut to the shortest time possible.