Unchill English Bro

So to summarize, you're basically a dick who can't keep his mouth shut when it would be appropriate to do so?

Didn't they discuss it at the time? Like when Xerox and Apple came to an arrangement where Xerox would share their GUI ideas (which they thought were useless and had no intention of marketing) in exchange for discounted shares in Apple (which would presumably be worth a small fortune by now)?

From the list above:

Agreed. iBooks pretty much had this covered 15 months ago.

they tell you that over the phone in the uk, but when you actually go in, as long as you're nice about it, they give you a free replacement.

Not really sure why this is the case either, especially since Apple had a policy of replacing iPhones with broken screens free of charge if you asked nicely.

See my above comment, note the "free of charge" bit.

I don't use a skin, but I do have a bumper that goes off and on, not related to what I'm wearing, but related to how much I plan on drinking. Got it wrong about 6 months ago, got drunk, smashed my screen. The keut Genius girl at the Apple store kindly replaced it for me free of charge though and told me not to drink

iirc iPhone front screen glass isn't actually gorilla glass, there was a lot of chat at first saying it was but I think later on they revealed it was some other sort of strengthened glass.

To be honest I have no idea what he's running, its just a true anecdote. He's a mate of mine from uni and I meet up with him in London every now and then. Every time we do he needs to charge his phone before we head off to a club, I never need to bother with mine. Obviously due to the way android is that only really

I like when me and my friend who has a Galaxy S2 sees my iPhone at 9:30pm with 70% battery and says "Damn, I wish my phone could do that".

Any headphones with a 3.5mm jack work fine, inline mic and control or not, you'll be fine.

Nah, he's just pre-empting our inevitable colonisation of the ROI. We have a flag and we know how to stick it in other people's land and claim it as our own.

You don't see a problem because they're what you're used to. Try a pair of Etymotic Research HF5s and you'll see what we mean.

Liquid chalk lasts a lot longer than regular chalk on the hands while climbing. It doesn't really work quite as well as regular chalk though. Its pretty good for climbing indoors where you're only doing short routes then you're back on the ground, when I use it I normally re-apply every 20 mins or so.

I only downloaded the Hurt Locker after they started suing people. Thought it was shot well but had a crappy storyline. Only really downloaded it to troll them for complaining about people downloading it.

Like what your wife says about her cooch and your cock?

Yeah, again, I assume its much the same as how mobileme currently works, you download a program to install on a windows computer that sticks an icon and settings in your control panel. iTunes is really only for media, calenders, contacts, reminders and settings are handled elsewhere.