Unchill English Bro

Lets be honest here, Mittens Rommel is the worst thing since the new Gawker commenting system.


If you want xbmc you might as well just buy a raspberry pi, costs less, does more. If you want android, you can out that on there, if you want xbmc, no problem, if you want a full desktop GUI, it'll happily run debian. You just need to buy your own little USB wifi dongle if you don't have a LAN cable nearby.

Agreed, I never use my iPad in portrait. I suppose if I ever held it in my hand it would be awkward in landscape, but it always sits on my knee, or the table, or the arm on the couch. I don't use it standing up holding the thing, thats what phones are for.

Too small to be a worthwhile tablet because it can't work in portrait? All phones work in portrait and are tiny compared to most tablets, what do you mean?


Even 510s aren't really that skinny. I know they call them super skinny, but if you can pinch the jeans without pinching the skin they're not skinny in my book.

Unless they're carrying manbags?

Promoted for having good taste in music.

promoted for being amusing

I'm not looking at my tv, I'm looking at the samsung monitor I use at work. You can see the pixels wherever there are curves or diagonal lines. It isn't horrendous or anything but you can definitely see that things aren't totally smooth.

Out of interest, what do you think I said the violated the commenters rules?

"with Thunderbolt ports baked into all three models"

The chip in the iPad 2 is actually faster, can't remember the figures off the top of my head but I ran geekbench on my iPad 2 and my iPhone 4S when it came out and the iPad scored higher than the iPhone.

I bet those "products" would look pretty sweet on a retina display :D

*looks at his 1080p display from 18" away*

"You guys automatically lose your credibility with your bad grammar"

I (unlike you apparently) cant speak for 'people' in general, but I certainly don't want movies on solid media. Apart from how much of a pain in the ass it was a couple of years ago to rip all my blu-rays and dvds, I have two big cabinets full of solid media that I'll never use again but can't bring myself to throw

I don't recall ever using the optical drive or ethernet port on my MBP, and I've removed the optical drives on my linux desktops at home to make room for more SATA hard drives. If I wanted a novelty toy on my computer I'd rather have a VHS drive than a dvd drive.

*googles Asus Transformer Book*