
Exactly. That is a recipe to get my elbow in a dude's face.

Look, I don't think all PUA stuff is bad so know that I don't dislike you on principle, I dislike you based on your exhibited behavior. I have friends who do it, who have done it to me, who did not creep me out, who did it while respecting my boundaries because they are good people. But I have had MORE shitty dudes

Thanks! I didn't even notice the lil x til just now.

Fight, Flight, or Freeze. If you've been trained your whole life to freeze (comply so as to not cause negative feelings, drama, anger, physical retaliation) it is SO HARD to untrain yourself. Don't feel bad. It took me conscious effort with coaches to speed up the process.

How do you delete from your thread?

I'm a trained martial artist and I feel the exact same way as you.

I'm not sure why you're wasting your time over here. I don't hate those with opposing views. I hate that you don't know what you're talking about and you're too busy trying to argue some stupid point that wasn't part of this comment thread instead of letting us commiserate about dudes who were shitty to us.

Yeah, it's always my first instinct to be "well next time try this" because that's how I problem solve.


where did that guy even come from? I'm confused.

Yes, this is what they imagine.

I just recently had a dude (who I had been ignoring) block my exit in order to force me to talk to him. Not only was he blocking my exit, but he had trapped be between a wall, a table, and him.

The way I read it was before he was married, he wanted to dominate girls. That's different than being a dominant lover. Now that he's married to someone he respects, he doesn't want to dominate her, he wants to make sure they're both having fun.

Well, I don't know her personality but I like to think so. This really sounds like an upbringing problem to me and not a malicious thought process. Just internalized "nice girls don't behave like x and nice girls don't get raped" which is what I always thought growing up...til I found out being nice doesn't stop

Honestly, she sounds like any person who hasn't taken the time to think about WHY she feels the way she feels. She sounds like it hurts her to think about and so she's just saying the things people say about those situations.

I'm not sure where you live/who you hang out with, but I know a lot of women who do not shave (I'm in San Francisco so maybe that's a norcal freedom thing and also people tend to just give less fucks).

I want to go to that dinner theatre. I don't want anything to do with all of this tho.

But, in a world where there are not very many female action heroes who don't suck, it makes sense to get excited about a NEW one who possibly WON'T suck.

I am American and I'm trying to figure out this same thing.

After weeks of rape threats, personal attacks and thousands of stupid questions, on top of a lifetime of is Lindy's right to decide when she wants to stop talking engaging with people.