We’re all watching a predator at work.
I’m watching Predator at work
When a friend went to Afghanistan he rented two lockers- one under a psudonym, I don’t want to know what was in that one
Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.
I blame Tesla for calling something “Autopilot” when it is in fact, just adaptive cruise control that keeps you centered in the selected lane.
As someone who made her way through these academic programs, has 15 years of policy experience, and still considers herself under qualified for this role - fuck hesitation. Also screw this administration, they’re flipping the bird at all of those who have invested our lives in finding solutions to intractable…
seriously. i was a human rights major in college, but i’m literally more qualified for this job than this woman because i took one class on Human Rights in Urban Spaces and an Urban Anthropology and Public Planning one.
If I have the options of either being dragged down an aisle with my pants undone in order to undergo resuscitation attempts or dying, I know which option I’m going with. Please don’t waste time trying to find a fucking blanket to throw over me so that my undergarments don’t offend overly-sensitive idiots nearby.
LOL WUT. I’m no fan of Kathy Griffin and think what she did is dumb, but this shit’s a hell of a reach. Pretty sure the Twinkie defense is on stronger ground than whatever the hell this is.
Fuck you, some nut decided to do this. It wasn’t because of Kathy Griffin.
Yeah, art should be outlawed!
If you think Kathy Griffins stupid act is what motivated this, you are delusional. You really think it was the Kathy Griffin beheading photo that gave this guy the inkling to go to the field and shoot Government officials? Man that’s just a bad take .
Head of The Cyber!
Does Barron’s t-shirt indicate he has been offered a position as advisor?
This brings two personal stories to my mind:
The law is not just.
You are completely and utterly wrong; he came here with his mother fleeing persecution and applied for asylum, which is exactly the way that he legally should have done it.
To have so much hate in you, your life must be one long, overflowing river of misery. No empathy, no compassion - just hate. I’m sorry for you, and for the people around you.