
Except the MGS games are all set in war-zones, where they have hilarious long dialogues about weapons and tactics, created elaborate camouflage and cover systems, and obsess over military culture. With the notable exception of Meryl (who still gets camera close-ups of her chest and butt), every other major female

I mean it’s hard to recommend it to people who are outside the cultural community of video games, because it includes weird elements of softcore porn that are purely for fan-service purposes.

Russia has long and ongoing conflicts with groups in the Caucasus, and Chechen extremists have been linked to ISIS. The 2002 Moscow theater incident and 2004 Beslan school siege would be some of the more famous examples of terrorism in contemporary Russia, but there are smaller bombings, attacks, and kidnappings.

Unpopular opinion, but I liked Sutherland. Hayter always just had a cheesy raspy Batman voice. Hayter sounds like a videogame voice-over, while Sutherland sounded more like an actor.

“Do you know who I am!?” :/

She might take a really friendly position towards it, and it’s totally her prerogative... but she is an employee, probably aspires to work with Konami further or just more as a model in general, and it doesn’t negate the overall treatment of women int he MGS universe.

I mean maybe as a parallel, you might look at

For all the painstaking realism that the game tries to inject... you then get a whole bunch of female characters who have weirdly revealing outfits, and no backstory beyond something mysterious and vaguely magical. The MGS solid series is such an important franchise in the history of video games, but its treatment of

Yeah, Kojima’s response to that was such bullshit... real blight on an game that really aspired to be an art piece. :/

Finally we’ll get to build a Game-of-Thrones style ice-wall that we’ve all been fantasizing about since we were children. I dunno even think it’s to keep you guys out... more just we Canadians like building things with snow.

Should have brought their birth certificate swipe card. Yup.

I think the shifts are coming, and have been coming. When I was in college during the mid 2000's, one of our frosh week chants, done by the whole student body during sports games was basically a rape joke. The second year I was in school, student association banned that chant for being offensive, and people grumbled.

As much as it got made of fun, the idea they proposed: that people would emulate conservative middle-class aesthetics but contradict that by using expensive materials/cuts/other signifiers that this was deliberate, is pretty neat. It does address the conservatism and escape to irony that is characteristic of

“Is this the marina?”
“No sorry ma’am you’ve got the wrong number.”
“Sorry! Thanks!”

“Is this the marina?”
“Sorry ma’am, still the wrong number.”
“... ... are you sure you’re not the marina?”

I think the marina number was one digit off.

The egregious moral dimension aside... consider that each of these individual operations probably cost several hundred thousand pounds if it lasted a year or two. Sure, trade unionists might be a hassle to government, but when was the last time trade unionists threatened national security? :/

There are just so many cascading failures in these cases... from the basic undemocratic premise of spying on vaguely dissident groups that aren’t terroristic, to ethical failures of police leadership in approving and continuing to approve these anti-social deep-cover missions, to the absolute moral bankruptcy of a

I think even if he is not successful, he’s at least a really admirable counterweight, in the eyes of foreigners watching the US election. Obviously this is anecdotal, but in some conversations I’ve had here in Germany people are of course appalled by Trump, but there also been the response “wow, Bernie Sanders.”

“Lets get lunch!”
“Great! I know a place with $2 soups, because I am tragically broke. I might be a bit late cause I’m gonna bike and try to save subway fare...”

On one hand design and typography is hideous... but then I imagined what the insane client would be like and I understand why the designer didn’t push back.

Thats how it works though; heck in my hometown there were half a dozen public schools and one Catholic school. Guess which school had the highest teen pregnancy rate?

I’m sarcastically quoting the police chief’s lame defence of why there shouldn’t be fines in place. By the chief’s logic they just shouldn’t give fines in general.