
I haven't seen it personally in the last few days... but like another poster somewhere else mentioned, it seems to come up every few years. Honestly with the present government and the patriotic culture-war feelings going on, I would guess it has a snowball's chance in hell of actually getting anywhere....

He's a weird figure... like he kinda lives up to every cartoonish stereotype of someone who would be hated by Canadians. I guess there are a few novelty people in Canada who kinda have that obnoxious "telling it like it is" shtick.

Honestly while I'd like Harper to go, a Liberal majority is hardly gonna be a radical change... and Justin Trudeau is a laughably shallow trust-fund kid. To people who have been observing actual parliamentary debate, Thomas Mulcair is the only one asking tough questions, and while his party isn't going to be

What does that make the public road or a state highway that these freedom cars drive on? Communism?

Maybe a kind of lame parental suggestion, but audiobooks! When I'm doing rote work but want to feel like I'm still learning something.

Light documentary: Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

Man... that really sucks... I don't know what to say even, because people in that scene clearly aren't aware of how awful their situation is.

Maybe he really needs to see something important (I mean in a human sense, not a religious one), to get a better perspective on how petty that party world is. I'm in the arts,

Gosh... does he take a hint at least? Presumably not since he thought that was a conversation topic for an acquaintance. :/

Hey if it's first year don't stress- it will be chill, and everyone in those classes gets much better as time goes on. Honestly too my art school experience was that like in life, the ones who worked hardest over time had the biggest pay-off rather than those who were just talented; I mean that just in that alot of

Honestly I think you just politely interact with them without giving special treatment... I mean the same as you would a coworker you're forced to work in close-quarters with: you're allowed to not invite them for a beer, but you still have to be professional when you interact.

I mean I guess the line gets drawn at

I don't know what your program is like in terms of flexibility, but can you bridge the studio drawing into your new field somehow? I mean in terms of "fine arts" drawing is a super open field, maybe if you don't want to work by hand you can look into Auto-Cad or other software, collage, abstract work, using

I feel like much of the world is pretty indifferent... people have negative feelings but they have their own regional geopolitical issues that don't concern the US... I mean how often in your day does Russia come up as a topic? A few places are legitimately worried about a US invasion but otherwise life goes on.

I think the only way customers will move is if a small chain can compete with McDonalds price-wise for the same market segment, and offer a better experience, while of course preserving their wage system.

As it is right now, this burger chain just doesn't have the same customer base as McDonalds.... it's like American

Phillip Pullman trilogy, starting with the Golden Compass... they're really great with a positive message.

It's like the Texas of Germany... farm and country-accents stereotypes galore.

Academic fan-base: living the dream.

That's really awful... it's not often, but I've had a few times where I've felt unsafe on the BVG from drunk people or rowdy groups. I don't know what their security situation is like, but especially at night it seems like you hardly see any transit employees around.

The culture surrounding the wall and the memory of

This is a bit of a low blow maybe... but I wonder if the article in question got cross-posted to Kotaku? The comments sections for their articles regarding anything related to gender are crazy, and they've spilled over before through Kotaku cross-posting Gawker or Jezebel articles.

I'm not sure how they compare to the American laws, but the provincial offence in Canada for street-racing is a fine up to $10, 000 in addition to license-destroying implications that will make his insurance insane in the future. The criminal side (which can be pursued by the federal government in addition to the

A few years back Canada's drone program wasn't very good- it lost a bunch a in Afghanistan from mechanical failures and I don't think it actually has a regular fleet, just test versions.

Heck, the front-loaders that cost several million dollars to blow up might have even been bought by NATO development efforts to construct civilian things in the first place. :/