
Not sure about reggae, but Germany has since the 80's had its own German-language native hip-hop scene, which while obviously influenced by American culture, it is its own thing now (with local topics etc). It's also very popular... so like anything other culture medium I guess some assholes make a racist version of

This is a bit of a myth about Europe though... cause like nudity depends greatly on where you are, even in Germany which is infamous for nudity (hahaha)- it's much more an east German thing than a western thing because of cultural reasons (the "Free Body Culture" movement specifically), and it also depends on rural vs

The fine arts thing I think is a bit unhelpful though- since what constitutes a "fine arts" degree varies so widely. Like people who studying advertising and graphic design at NYC area schools can get obscenely well paid jobs right out of school, and they are awarded BFA's just like painting grads from the University

In Canada (and I image rural parts of the states too), they do have a bad reputation, and yet somehow retain popularity... my parents from when we were kids told us not drive them even at a friends cottage.

On another level a false sense of security generated by ineffective safety gear is also dangerous- another example would the "fire shields" that forest firefighters are instructed to wrap themselves in to ride-out-the-storm as an absolute last resort. Many other countries have discontinued the use of such measures,

It's a strange mentality.... I kind of wonder about the cultural basis, like I came from an immigrant family where the idea was more that money belongs to the whole family and so of course parents would pick helping their kids well into adult instead of buying second houses/vacations etc., but had friends who got

Because there's a culture where everyone goes to university, and young students/parents don't know that university quality varies widely and that other options are available.

I think parents also don't know better because it was different in their generation- where college tuition was actually affordable to the

It's all context, here the genders are the same, it wasn't in the slightest bit sexual, and there's a cultural history of it being a harmless boyish prank.

Had it been a man doing this to a woman of course it would be totally different (and not ok). I concede that maybe pantsing someone is kinda a borderline thing

Jesus... well done mate, well done.

I'm not sure what your geographic situation is regarding other options, but perhaps you'd be happier with a higher luxury part-time instead... with your experience and professionalism it sounds like someone else would appreciate this more than your present part-time employer.

Other countries have different relationships with the armed forces... especially those with histories of fascism, and people are suspicious of the authoritarian dimension it implies. People's parents and grandparents lived through brutality at the hands of their own or neighbouring armed forces, and so for worse and I

Someone else pointed out that it's perhaps province-specific- in my Ontario elementary and highschool we had everyday the national anthem, and we all stood, and this was in the late 90's through middle 2000s. Not in university though...

"their job"

As a foreigner I always thought the pledge of allegiance was a little over the top... also it being recited by children and all. That said in Canada we would stand every day for the national anthem. :/

Can you even legally punish minors though? In Canada I think the age is 12 or 13, under which you can't be criminally responsible (although a child could be taken and placed in special care etc.). I guess this is sort of unclear because States make it (right?), but it seems like it would be ripe for challenge to try

I wonder too, does it also imply some anti-semitism? I suppose it depends on which brand of crazy the people subscribe to.

I think people often confuse "honesty" with "talking too much."

Aren't these discussions moderated anymore? Not that I'd be thrilled about heavy-handed moderation but surely someone can dismiss the trolls...