She sounds self centred. :(
She sounds self centred. :(
The conciseness of this history lesson is fantastic.
People in the world are literally dying of starvation... it's not a crime to prosper, I don't even have a problem with people who are very wealthy and make million dollar salaries running a company... but 13 billion when other people have nothing, that is a moral outrage.
If you're in Europe you really want EU citizenship if you can get it... from my experience in Germany visas aren't super difficult to obtain, but it's still nerve wracking to have your future depend on a meeting with a bureaucrat in the office. Also, I'm not sure how other cities are, but something to be mindful of is…
In most states you can actually fire someone for their political beliefs... it's really shitty, but you're able to do so. There are five states where they have included political or non-work activities as protected spaces, and those actually include California, but I don't know how the law specifically applies in this…
The amendment only applies to your interactions with the government, private citizens can totally make consequences for things you say (like for example not doing business with you).
I had a really tough week. This friday I has a big discussion with my boss over the fact that there is not another way to pass a payment if the contractor doesn't change the invoice's date. I refused several times (because that's fraud!) and she said she is going to admonish me because I "insulted" her (funny because…
Oh, this story is off the front page now it seems? Damage control!
People who police their neighbours are the worst... the worst. :(
It just seems like a fundamental misunderstanding of photography... like editing is always a part of the process, and the idea that photography, even photo-journalism is ever "objective" shows a poor grasp of history. Ultimately its just a tool: we get the result that we ask for.
I saw a German "Erotic Carp" calendar once... I can't google it because I'm at work, but it was kinda scary.
What an asshole, ahahahaha
Hoping that means more "Generation War" (Unsere Mutter Unser Vatter) and not something strange. ZDF did the previous so hopefully it will work out.
This. I don't think small issues should be dismissed, but I also don't like seeing "academic arguments" turned into trivia.
I'd also like to see Jezebel address "scandals" in the daily news without sinking to CNN levels of perpetuating it for weeks. See the Duck Dynasty reporting... I like this site because while it…
Art school in NY can be overwhelming white and middle-upper class... it's a really sad thing that shouldn't be celebrated. The largest minority presence at my school was Korean students (which were a significant portion of the student body), and casual racism and stereotyping against them was embarrassingly…
Yeah, and I think men are actually socialized to communicate in a more aggressive way, that actually lets them especially stand out in female dominated environments. As a male in the academic arts field right now, I notice that while men are the extreme minority (in terms of students, not faculty), they overwhelmingly…
I actually showed "Mother We Share" to a friend, and he said he felt like it was a cellphone advertisement.
Chvrches is great... but I think they often line of being cheesy. I love them anyways and the production and total sound is so great, but I don't want to know all the lyrics to some of their songs.
From what I've seen this past year (as the most lightweight student club-goer), I think it's mostly respected. Yeah now and then you see someone (*cough* tourists) snapping a picture, but it's also so dark that it's not like you're gonna get anything (cause no flash), and if you bring a little camera some places will…
In Berlin this policy is quite common... I think its roots are more in preserving the mystique of the club and also the old sex-club vibe of places like Berghain. I think it's pretty great... no flashes, and also no awful pictures.
There's probably some difference too in the culture of it, in that alot of the Berlin…