
When making The American West, he shot 17000 8x10 sheets. An artist dedicated to his craft.

Can we just list insults in German then?


I attended a family wedding that was just just a simple ceremony in the party room of a middle-level local restaurant, and then we all ate dinner. It was really nice, they hosted everyone back at their house for a party afterwards.

Those relatives could have afforded to spend alot more money and had a conventional

I'm mid twenties and presumably going to be in school for a while longer... I mean, most people are really reasonable about gifts right? I have a mattress on the floor... hell, if your wedding isn't in my city I probably can't afford to travel there. :(

I moved to Berlin from NYC, and it's funny, because you'd hear old NY stories of like "we kinda just hungout alot, we worked very little because you didn't need alot of money to live," and coming here I do meet alot of young people who only work a few days a week part time and are able to spend the rest of their time

Look, we're not gonna beat the Chinese if we skip gymnastics to do learning.

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Yeah, 28 Weeks isn't going to win any Oscars, but the dialogue is better than most action movies, the acting is not bad at all, and the cinematography is actually really well done.

The general plot I totally agree with you was really really poor. I guess I feel like it was a movie made with high quality individual

The prices still seem to crazy to me... like I live in downtown Berlin and pay like 400$ a month and I have a full apartment; with flatmates, but still, we have a proper apartment. Is Seoul really so expensive? Is there no option for even a small commute?

Watched "28 Weeks Later" today, still great.

You're being so much more reasonable than most employers would be... I hope he sees that and improves.

I feel like also there's probably a more deserving student out there who would benefit from the internship.

You're being so much more reasonable than most employers would be... I hope he sees that and improves.

I feel like also there's probably a more deserving student out there who would benefit from the internship.

To be fair, that's actually her name.

I agree with you... maybe in an unreasonably generous reading of the text she's talking about characters who are great without being action heroes? I'd like to see more male and female characters who are powerful not because of the violence they threaten, but because of other qualities they possess.

Unsolicited criticism: will the illustration work be a bit more polished? :/

The Nazi uniform, no problem. The fake bavarian clothing... mmmmm....

I think the fact that the other bikers rode along to "confront" the RR makes them accessories to the whole thing. Yeah, maybe they got injured when RR tried to escape, they chose to take part in the "pursuit."

I think as someone else mentioned, culture backgrounds can dictate this habit to. Canadian family members: coffee with milk. South American family members: black.

The whole thing just seems... immature. The video production, and the lyrics... it aspires to be good but its just so thoroughly mediocre. :/