You ever tried getting choral hydrate? More chance of meeting Moses.
Hey hooker, I agree with you less often than Jesus has walked the Earth, but if you're not watching it, watch Celebrity Big Brother UK. The treatment of the spectacular and heartwarming/breaking story of Kellie Maloney, recently transitioned ex celebrity boxing promoter is really something. So beautiful. That wig…
all things in moderation
I have always preferred 'box of hair', as it adds a certain revulsion which hammers lack.
Anyone who owns garments that will not be deformed beyond redemption by this monstrosity really can just jam them in a drawer and be done with it.
Google working with police to have them help test future prototypes for free?
Fun Portugese-In-Japan Fact! 'Arigato' comes from 'Obrigado', and 'Tempura' comes from 'Tempero/Temperar'!
The most important skill which ought to be taught in schools is that to tilt one's head back when sucking dick.
I dunno know about hitters, coz that ain't my fetish, but I have known many pitchers who could catch, but I have never met a catcher who could pitch.
good fashioned sadism
You've never actually been to New York, have you?
Do you know why they're more expensive? It's because they take double the amount of fabric. Looms only go to 54", max. 46-48" width is standard. That means that if your ass is wider than 42", we can't cut, for example, a straight dress across the fabric. Although I just caught that you think 70 bucks is a lot to pay…
I don't know who to be embarrassed/ashamed of more
I think I saw you on cam4.
I would have pushed these fucking fools in front of the train. Get the fuck off the seats, assholes.
I like your mom.
I don't think I'll ever be able to get my head around this 'leave the tags on' thing.