
Your readership is going to decline if you don’t stop making yourselves the unofficial online campaigner for a FAILED presidential run.

You need to get your rabid pro-Sanders bias under control. He needs to drop out, he ain’t gonna win, the voters have spoken and REJECTED him.

Please stop fooling yourself. Biden is not offering crumbs, and the Obama/Biden admin accomplished more for black voters than anything Sanders has dreamed up to drum up votes. Crumbs are better than dust, which is what Sanders has to offer. Populist bullshit that sounds good but will never get done is a con job. You

You keep saying he can win swing states in the GE when he can't even win the primary. And check out Biden's turnout numbers in MI. Dude is on FIRE. Bernie can't drive that kind of turnout, so it's obvious Biden is the stronger candidate. You can bloviate all you want, but the numbers for VA and MI don't lie: Biden is

Please go. Acting like some fucking beauty queens out here. Nobody is begging you

Lol go ahead with that. When that project fails spectacularly, get back to me. Let me explain something to you, the political system you have is what you will always have.

So you love superdelegates now? Check the polls, your boy is finished.


Somebody needs to start hunting these animals down

It’s moments like this I worry about the Democratic party. If a Democrat had done something like this, Republicans and every Trump allied PAC would have been pumping out attack ads by now. When a Republican gets caught doing this, Democrats take a “moral victory” and don’t do jack about it


Go sit your tired ass down somewhere

“Wah wah wah, why don't black voters accept my personal lord and savior?"

Go and tell your mother that, you absolute disappointment.

I’m sure the folks at Jezebel are just crushed by this outcome. Shattered, really.

Please can it.

This article is an exercise in stupidity.

I don’t care how dedicated you are. That’s a disgusting thing to do. If you’re being paid to work on someone’s campaign, don’t actively work to sabotage it. If someone had done such a thing to Bernie while donating to Biden, I doubt Ms. Reese would be reporting it with glee. It would have become further evidence of

What about Sanders deeply creepy story? Or his "being a frigid bitxh makes you sick" comments? Please stop throwing those stones in your glass house

You have a strong dose of victim mentality. I know you'll take this as scorn, because you're actively looking for it, but it's just commentary on how "misunderstood" and "ostracized" you think you are. Nobody hates Sanders or (most of) his supporters. Black people just know that white people will vote heavily against