Uh... Who left? I don't think the Bucks have had an uber-talented player in a few decades.
Uh... Who left? I don't think the Bucks have had an uber-talented player in a few decades.
This is more useless than my "Property of PETA" cattle brand.
Don't lower your water heater below 140.... Straight from OSHA:
The gentleman on the package has the right idea.
We are the 0.175 percent!
2007, The Year of the Great Lube Famine.
For supposedly chaste individuals, they sure are trying to fuck a lot of people...
Mr. Chudzinski, to quote Abraham Lincoln, "it only FEELS like 15 years".
"Yes, Maybe, No."
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, John.
MRSA? I don't listen to hip hop. Now go out there and kick, or find another job!
The Bears jerseys of my teen years:
The search as been slow, as it has been difficult to wade through all of Chris Berman's dead hookers.
It's usually more than just the cost of checks... We were looking at this at my previous employer, and I believe there was some other incentive from the issuing bank. Luckily, that employer had some morals, and just offered it as an option, rather than forcing in on the entire staff.
Mayor Parker is probably the key to this deal. Nothing attracts NBA talent better than lesbians.
omg i want you in me right now!
In his defense, I struggle to think of a quieter environment in which to work that is not filled with the homeless.
The Barclays are just doing their part to make sure they end up as the star building of the next Deadspin C-Roll.