
New Vegas was great, if you don’t mind a game crashing every 20 minutes.

Agreed. people seem to think that more wobbly cars = more realistic. In GTAIV it was damn near impossible to prevent an average car from wobbling no matter how slow you took the turn. It was atrocious. In fact it was so bad that it was the main reason why uninstalled it from my PC.

The only way 4 has realistic car handling is if cars were made out of marshmallow.

“Hey Preston, it’s your cousin, let’s go bowling!”
“But Roman, another settlement needs your help.”

As an avid (Xbox One) Destiny player, I totally agree.

Yes! Bonus points if your in a firefight, he kills everything in the area and then talks to you. And does it in under five seconds.

that sucks about the amiibo reader, but fwiw there are only like 2 games that it would even effect. Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival and Amiibo Tap require it, but I’d hardly call them big hits. Smash is still great without an Amiibo, and everything but the big Mario is unlockable in Mario Maker.


Wow that's funny. That being said, it seems more like something Bizzaro would do. Superman is pretty not racist.

All over the place but I will try and summarize (although my writing sucks)


Yeah, that’s another problem. If I want to sit down and actually play Mario, I wouldn’t even have the privilege to wade through the music and auto levels to get to them anymore; they simply wouldn’t be there in the first place.

The main problem is, tweaking your stage doesn’t help to get plays. You’d have to be popular first to get people to play it. Mario Maker doesn’t really have this feature yet to promote up-and-coming well designed but underrated creators. It’d be cool to see them do maybe a daily or weekly exhibit.

You’d be surprised.

At one point, the most popular level of the week was a box that just contained a bunch of enemies bouncing back and forth between springs. The level title was Japanese for “Star this and I will star every one of your levels.” So yeah, it happens.

No one is freaking out about anything in this story. Well, except you.

This is not accurate. The end credits of Sesame Street still credit “Muppet performers” and the official website features this page called “Play With Your Favorite Muppets”: